Chapter 6

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"We were all wondering when you were going to show up" Ashley looked at Dylan for a second and then looked at me.
"Yeah, Hannah was getting kind of worried" Ellen joked and they all laughed, and I felt embarrassed, shit so they did notice.
I look over at Dylan and he's trying to hide a smile, he takes another sip of his beer and everyone goes back to talking amongst the group.
Dylan moved his lips to my ear so I could hear him over the loud music "Nice outfit, I didn't think black was your colour" he said and I was so distracted by the smell of his cologne, and how he smelt like my body wash.
"I decided I needed a change of wardrobe, my old clothes were too high school" I said in his ear and he smelt the perfume I was wearing.
"Nice perfume, Bella used to wear that all the tine" he said, great I won't be wearing that again.
"Don't worry, it's much nicer on you" he said almost like he was reading my thoughts and I let out a little smile and Dylan pushes his hair back out of his eyes, I actually don't mind the smell of beer on his breath.
"So Hannah! How do you two know each other? Mason asked, thank god know one knew about our sexy shower that we had.. yet.
Before I could answer Dylan Leaned over "I was giving something back to Ashley and that's when I bumped into Hannah" he said and thank god he did, I was lost for words and I would have made up something ridiculous "Because you know they are roommates" he added "Oh right yeah" Mason said, geez how much has he had to drink?
"More Bella drama I see, what was she complaining about now? Scott said and Dylan's mood changed "Same shit different day, I swear she's acting like my girlfriend more than she was when we were actually dating" Dylan said finishing his beer.
Mason kissed Ashley on the forehead and Ashley looked repulsed, like she didn't like the kiss or the smell of beer on his breath, I don't blame her beer breathe has always been a pet peeve of mine.
"Well now that your single, enjoy it man, get an many chicks as you want" Mason said winking at him, and Dylan grabs another beer.
"Just don't get any of them pregnant" Mason laughed, I looked up and noticed that Ethan arrived at the party with that same girl attached to his arm.
"Hey guys I'm going to grab a drink" I stood up and Scott frowns at me "We have plenty of beers Hannah" Scott offers me one.
"I'm going to go see what's on tap" I lie, I wasn't looking for another drink I was looking for an escape, away from Ethan and the girl he cheated on me with, I push past people waiting to get as far away from his as possible, I went up the wooden staircase and I didn't want to go into a bathroom because people always need to go at parties, either to throw up or make out with someone, and I knew that I Could he ambushed in there by Ethan and possibly that girl. Ugh I didn't even want to think about Ethan anymore, he didn't deserve to be in my thoughts, not after what he did to me, if he had just been a gentleman and told me that he didn't want to be together anymore, then we would probably be talking at this party, catching up, seeing what the other person has been doing these past few months, but no! He had to cheat on me with that stupid bimbo.

I go into a room that had the door slightly open with a desk lamp on in the room, just bright enough so you could see into the room, I pop my head in to make sure it's not already occupied by a two college students are their ragging hormones, as I walk in noticed the big black bookshelf in the corner of the room, the whole room had a wholesome vibe to it, who ever lived her was very artistic, I walk up to the bookshelf to look at this persons collection.
They a lot of difference varieties of books, Shakespeare, some Steven King and even Harry Potter!
I sigh as I look at my self in the life sized mirror next to the bookshelf, fixing up my hair and that's when I noticed someone was coming up from behind me, it was probably the one of this room wondering why I poking around in here, hopefully it's a not a male and they think I want to have sex with them.
Panic rushed through me as I collect my self and turn around to see who the stranger.

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