Chapter 25

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I unlocked the door to my room, Ashley and Ellen were still asleep, I missed my dorm room, good old 48, I said to myself quietly.
I didn't realise that I was still wearing Dylan's shirt until I could smell him on me, I missed him already but probably not the same way he misses Bella, I can't help but wonder if he's just using me to make her jealous and seeing how long it takes before she cracks, and then she seduces him and they get back together and I'm left standing there like an idiot for ever falling for him.
I don't say the say the words love because I don't want to break my heart, I climb into bed and grab one of my plush toys and cuddle it, I couldn't sleep knowing that I had a class with him soon, so I just laid there with my eyes closed, trying not to think about him.

I got ready and put his T shirt with out thinking, and picked a pair of pink and black active pants with the matching shirt, even though I wasn't getting an exercise today, apart from my walking around campus, I left quietly before Ashley and Ellen woke up and headed to class early so I could hide at the back of the class, as the rest of the class packed in I could smell a familiar scent behind me, of course it was him.
"I love that your wearing my shirt" he whispered in my ear behind me before climbing over the chair and sitting next to me, I couldn't help but smile and I totally forgot what I was sad about, he does that he's so distracting.
He smelt like my perfume for some reason, did I leave my perfume at his place? "Why do you smell like me? I blushed and more and more people tried to sit next to me and Dylan shot them the "don't you dare" look and they rushed to find another seat.
He looked back at at me "I went into your room before I came here, I smelt like shit and sex so I sprayed some of your perfume" he licked his lips "Hope you don't mind" he smiled.
"Well it's an improvement" I teased and he chuckled lightly before tensing up really quickly, that's when I saw Ethan sit down In front of us.
I looked away and Ethan scoffed, and I put my hand on Dylan's knee, Checking out his sexy biker look he had on today, with black jeans and dark blue shirt with a light leather jacket on, he relaxed and he moved his hand onto mine, squeezing it to calm himself.
I'm surprised he hasn't asked why I left the hotel yet, maybe he's still half asleep and it hasn't crossed his mind yet.
Mr Collins started the class and Dylan stared at me the whole time when he wasn't taking notes, I loved that he was wearing my perfume, even if it was just because he smelt bad.
Ethan turned around and Dylan looked at me like "What is he doing" and I rolled my eyes at Ethan and tried to pay attention to the lesson.
"Hannah, why does your BOYFRIEND smell like you? I knew what Ethan was trying to do, he was provoking Dylan and trying to get a reaction out of me "I'm sorry Ethan, I didn't realise you released a new fragrance called "Jelaous Ex Boyfriend" by Ethan Stone" I snickered and Dylan tried to hide his laughter.
I then leaned over to Ethans ear "He smells like me because before class I gave him a huge" I watched Ethan squirm and put him out of his misery by saying "Hug" and Dylan relaxed.
Ethan shook his head in disgust and Dylan squeezed my hand and my attention was focused back on the lesson, Dylan continued staring at me and it made me blush, he ran his fingers through his hair trying to get my attention, but I needed to pay attention in class, no matter how much I wanted to look away from Mr Collins.
Dylan adjusted himself in the seat which I noticed, I looked over at him and smiled at me and Ethan tensed up.
"Jesus, I can smell your hormones from here, why don't you two just fuck already, everyone knows what a slut Hannah can be" Ethan muttered under his breath but I heard the whole thing, I looked over at Dylan who wasn't angry and he moved his lips to Ethans ear.
"Oh trust me she's no slut, but how she fucked a little bitch like you I'll never know" he leaned back and looked very proud of himself grinning at me, and I let out my laughter that I was trying to hide, thank god the lesson had ended but I still got some strange looks.

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