Chapter 15

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It's Scott and Dylan in the room so press my ear against the door to listen in "I made her so wet easily, you should've see her expression it was priceless" they both laughed and I wanted to bust the door down and punch him in his perfect face! "She actually thinks I'm crazy about her" I heard Dylan say.
"She's so naive, though I suppose girls are like that" they both chuckled together and I couldn't believe what I was hearing "Anyway, Bella should be here soon, I'll catch up with you later" I heard them so their bro handshake and I power walked away from the door as I heard Scott leaving and he came out Dylan's room and closed it behind me.
"Hannah" he says and ignore him and I just keep walking away from them, holding back my tears I don't want anyone to see my cry and I eventually get back to my room and flop onto the bed letting my pillow catch all my tears, Ellen and Ashley were probably having dinner.
I fall asleep despite my tossing and turning and trying to forget that Dylan Walters ever existed!

My alarm woke my up and my phone screen was filled with messages from Dylan as if nothing had happened, I delete them all it one stroke, this would be so much worse if I hadn't discovered the truth, I should thank Ethan for telling me, not matter what his motives were he did the right thing.
Three weeks went by and I managed to avoid him and discover that I'm doing really well in my classes, we had an a assignment where we had to come up with a successful business, and touch on how it would stand our compared to other businesses, I partnered up with Ethan as a thank you for helping me realise the truth about Dylan, but sadly I realised as much I wanted to I couldn't avoid Dylan for ever.

I changed into a nice pink shirt and black jeans and put my hair up in a messy bun and didn't even bother with makeup, I went my economic class and moved to the back of the class away from Dylan but he kept staring at me expecting some reaction, but I gave him the cold shoulder and it was killing him, but I didn't care I was enjoying watching him squirm.
After my economics class and more torturing Dylan, I went to my last class of the day my sign language class, it was something I was always passionate about learning it.
I signed hello to the teacher and she smiled at me and I took my seat and Dylan trudged into the room "Mr Walters, I'm surprised to see you here, considering how much you protested to be In this class" she signed and I was proud that I understood that.
"Changed my mind" He beamed a smiled at her and I rolled my eyes.
The lesson was so much fun, learning more ways of communicating and brushing up on the stuff I already knew.
"Well done Miss Goodman, your a natural" Mrs Green Smiled at me.
"Thank you" I say and I saw Dylan sign something behind me.
As soon as the class finished I raced out of the room and I could hear Dylan shoes behind me and smell his cologne, he caught up to me and pulled my wrist so I was facing him and we were so close to each other "What the hell Hannah, you've been avoiding me all day" he frowned at me "Not just today but for three weeks, the fuck is your problem" he had the audacity to say.
He was black shirt with a space theme on it and his eyes were glowing, not that I had noticed.
"My problem! are fucking serious" I didn't even finish my sentence because he didn't deserve my time of day "You know what you did"
That's all I said and I stormed away from him, rushing back to my dorm despite my heavy books weighing me down, I go into my room and close the door behind me, and throw my stuff on my desk and calm myself, for once the shower was empty so grabbed my towels and closed the door behind me.
I turned the hot water on and let the stress of before just melt away, and then I heard Knocking on the door "Occupied" I say through the door hoping it's just Ellen or Ashley but of course it's not, it's has to be Dylan, his musky scent entering the bathroom. I ignore his continuous banging on the door and try to have my shower in peace but something tells me if I don't open the door he will knock it down, so I put a towel over me and leave the water running and open the door.

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