chapter eighty

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"we'll be okay." He reassured me for the millionth time. I don't know how all this had come to happen. Everything that was happening felt like I was watching it through a tv screen, it didn't feel like my life.

Seven months ago my life was beyond ordinary, being sent away from home because of a boy wouldn't have even crossed my mind. This time seven months ago, when I thought about the future, I could see it all, clear as daylight, I could see my job, my house, I could see Ben standing by my side. But now, if I even tried to look, it was like looking straight at a storm, I couldn't even tell what would be happening tomorrow, let alone in a year.

But somehow, in some twisted turn of events, I didn't seem to mind. I knew that no matter what happened, I wasn't letting myself go. I still knew what I wanted to be, and I was going to get there. Niall was the second part of my future. A part that I had never even imagined but now cant imagine being without. Whatever direction I look in towards my future, I could see Niall, the only thing clear standing amongst a blur of other things.

"How did everything go so wrong?" My voice was so pathetic. Why was I asking him this? He didn't have all the answers, and my question was almost an insult to him. I didn't regret a thing that had happened with Niall, not one bit, but nonetheless, I couldn't help but wonder.


I held her as tight as I could and yet somehow it wasn't tight enough for me. This tiny bed was all the room we needed, we didn't want for a big bed or anything, this was perfect for us. But yet somehow I was unhappy. I was holding her closer than anyone had ever done before, but I needed to hold her even more, I needed to protect every last inch of her. I was being ridiculous, maybe this was what love was? I wouldn't know, Sophie is my first experience in everything to do with love. Not that I would wish for anyone else, ever.

"Sophie?" I whispered, I wasn't sure what time it was. It was 4am when she got here, but I wasn't sure how long we'd been laying here, in humble silence, wrapped up in each other's arms. I wasn't sure whether she had gotten any sleep, or whether she was asleep right now, we were both so quiet, taking in each other's steady heart beats and breaths.

"Im here" she whispered, causing a small smile to spread over my face. Everything had been so manic and unpredictable lately, I couldn't catch up, one thing had come after another and I just wanted a break from it. But being here with Sophie made everything seem better, like just for this moment, the world was still and quiet.

"I love you." I knew that she knew, but I felt I needed to reiterate it. I loved saying those words to her, they excited me as they came out of my mouth, but it felt even more beautiful when I heard the words fall from Sophie's delicate lips, knowing that she meant it gave me a reason to go on.

Sophie sat up in my lap, the blankets falling from around us as she ran her fingers through my hair. God I loved when she did that, her fingers were so gently and I could literally feel myself melting whenever she used them in my hair.

"I've never loved anyone like I love you" I couldn't even try to stop the grin forming on my face as she said the words, I gripped her waist gently and kissed her. I loved kissing her. She was so slow and inexperienced, even in kissing, that I got to lead and almost teach her. I liked teaching her.


Id never loved anyone like I had loved Niall. Id always loved Niall, I had just never realised it. I was naïve, clearly. We'd been destined since the start. How many cliché love stories do you know where the couple start off as childhood best friends? Too many. But this was my cliché love story and by far my favourite.

"Sophie, I have a request" Niall stated, his voice was quiet and slow, annunciating each word as it melted me. I nodded, furrowing my eyebrows as his fingertips ran up and down my forearm, sending shivers down my spine. "Sophie let me love you" He whispered, the blood quickly rushing to my cheek as he leant towards me and whispered the words in to my ear. "I've had enough of just having sex, I love you and I want to prove it, I want to show you that I'm good enough for you" I almost felt myself breaking down at Nialls words, he was so critical of himself, and I know all of the criticism had come from he'd heard other people say about him. "I want to prove to you that I can take care of you, now and forever, please baby girl."

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