chapter three

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I sighed as I made my way to the third period of the day, I didn’t mind school, not the slightest, but history was one subject I could most certainly live without. I took my normal seat, the one which I’d been assigned back last year, two rows from the front.

A quarter of the way through learning about how Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, even though it was actually Florey and Chain who discovered it, Niall trudged through the lesson. Great knowing he’ll be in my lesson all year. He looked around the class and took the seat of Adam carling, who was off ill again.

“Excuse me, who exactly are you?” Mr Tumult asked, clearing his throat, this was one of the more ruthless teachers, who’d throw detentions and expulsions at you left right and centre, and if legal, would more than likely use the whip and ruler on you.

“Niall Horan.” Niall muttered from beside me, whispered flew around the class, they’d all heard he was coming back, and, for most, this was a good chance to examine him and his ‘new demeanour’ if they hadn’t already seen it in the outburst he had at break with a teacher and a first year.

“Oh the new boy!” Mr Tumult hummed, grazing over the idea in his head of what punishment he could try out.

“Technically, I was born here, so not so new.” Niall talked back, pushing his chair away from his desk, like he had done at dinner a few nights ago.

“And please explain why you’re fifteen minutes late to my lesson?” The class grew silent awaiting his explanation, most students found it fun to watch a quarrel in history class, especially with Mr Tumult, I found it disinteresting and pointless.

“Was in the storage cupboard, I’ll leave the rest to your imagination, sir.” Niall chuckled, causing the rest of the class to break out in childish giggles. I, however, was repulsed by the thought of what Niall had previously been doing with whoever.

“Get up and get out of my class.” Mr tumult said, slowly and clearly, it didn’t move Niall though as he sat slumped back in the blue plastic chair.

“Did you not hear me Mr Horan?” The teacher pressed further.

“I did, but I don’t know my way.” Niall scoffed, folding his arms over his chest and crossing one leg over the other. Mr Tumult looked as if he was about to pass out from the feedback he was getting from Niall, his eyes were bulging and his face had turned an uncertain shade of red.

“Have Miss Winters show you then.” He said gesturing to me, Niall turned his head to me and cockily winked, standing up from his chair and swaggering over to the door, as I stayed seated eyes wide.

“Sophie are you coming or not?!” Niall huffed throwing his head back impatiently, I looked at the pairs of eyes staring at me as I slipped my pen in to my pencil case and followed him out of room 22.

“Well that class is going to be fun.” Niall laughed as he walked down the corridor, slowly, looking at posters on the wall, I stayed walking ahead, eager to get back to my history lesson.

“Will you hurry up for goodness sake?” I snapped turning to him, his eyes widened for a second but then he went back to his normal jerk like self and chuckled.

“Why don’t we just skip class?” He offered sitting down on the floor beside a row of lockers.

“Why would I want to do that with you?” I laughed trying my best not to seem interested.

“Simple, you want to know more.” He said basically reading my thoughts, I shook my head, rolling my eyes he was unbelievable.

“You’re unbelievable.” I stated, what I was thinking, he looked up at me from under his hair, which he had slicked down as a fringe today.

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