chapter thirteen

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I couldn't stop thinking about Ben, the fact that he forgave me, the fact he took me back, and the fact that I knew that I wasn't going to stop speaking to Niall.

"be sure to make sure your brother comes home early today." My mum said eying my uniform up and down, making sure I didn't look a mess, she shook her head as she opened the front door for me, I didn't know how she managed it, it was 7:30 in the morning, and yet my mother was standing there in full makeup, her rollers tightly in and her dressing gown, creaseless. I sighed as I walked down my drive way, watching Matthew pull out driving down the road, not giving his sister a second thought.

It wasn't raining as hard as I originally thought it was, so the walk would do me some good, I suppose. I carried on walking down the winding roads, taking in the smell of the wet grass and sound of the rain landing and splattering on the concrete road.


Light rain.

That's what I thought, but no, life took another dig at me as it started pouring hailstones as I practically ran towards school.

Now I stood here, pressing my body as close to the radiator as it could get, waiting for the morning bell to ring so that I could get to class.

"Sophie?" I heard a voice call as I turned around facing the crowds of people, seeing Zayn in front of me, giving me a weird smile as he rose an eyebrow tilting his head at me. He stifled a laugh as he took in my dripping appearance, hair stuck to my face, and clothes clinging tightly to my body. "Are you alright?" he asked sweeping the hair high back off of his forehead.

I nodded, trying my best to not look like the total idiot I already did. "Yeah, just got a bit wet." I said pushing a sopping piece of hair off of my face. Before Zayn could answer, Harry strolled up, stopping in front of me, looking from Zayn back to me.

"You alright Sophie?" he laughed pressing the back of his hand to the sleeve of my blazer as he felt how soaking I was, furrowing his eyebrows together. I nodded again, feeling my face turning a dark shade of red.

"She got caught in the hail." Zayn laughed punching Harry in the upper arm as Harry smiles, dimples prominently showing.

An arm grabbed a hold of mine as I distracted myself from Zayn and Harry, looking to my side. Louis was standing there frowning at me, as I smiled at him. "Hello you." I smiled as he nervously glanced between the boys and me, altering a smile. Zayn smiled brightly at Louis as Harry gave a little half smile, staring away quickly.

"Uh Soph, we need to get to English." Louis muttered staring at the ground, I looked back to Zayn and Harry who were smiling just as awkwardly. I nodded turning back to Louis.

"I'll see you guys later." I smiled as Louis pulled me rudely away from them.

"Louis!" I scolded as he slowed down nearing the English rooms.

"Sophie why are you hanging around with those people?" he asked glancing away again as if he was embarrassed.

"They're nice, not like the rest, I spent the day with Harry on Saturday."  I said looking at him, as he shot his head back around at me.

"You spent the day with that mop of hair?" he scoffed as I rolled my eyes trying my best to keep my patience intact.

"He's more than just a 'mop of hair' Louis, please stop being so small minded!" I moaned as we walked in to the small English room at the end of the corridor. I took my usual seat at the back out of sight as Louis slipped in next to me.

"Sophie you can't start hanging around with those people come on." Louis ordered pulling out an old textbook. I rolled my eyes again, fully prepared to ignore him for the next hour of English lit.

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