chapter twenty

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I was alone as I made my way to second period, fading in to the background. The dream I had had last night really unsettled me for the day, it’s like my mind isn’t in sync with my body, whereas I physically couldn’t care for Niall, my mind has his face and voice constantly circulating in my head, mentally making me go crazy.

“How did you find the weekends assignment?” I questioned Liam as we slipped in at the back of the class, as he began to boast about his, I felt guilt drop through me, as I knew I hadn’t worked on hard on it as I really should have, the weekend slipped away from me, being at the party on Saturday, and Sunday being left in a haze, I only had last night to do it, and I knew I had done horribly on it.

“But yeah, I suppose I could’ve done better. Are you okay after yesterday?” he asked treading lightly as I fidgeted in the small chair.

“Yeah I was fine thank you.” I lied, and a part of me think he knew, but luckily I was pulled out of the conversation once the teacher entered and began teaching almost immediately.

I sat listening to the politics talk the teacher had been giving us for the last forty minutes, Liam was slumped over his desk with his hand supporting his head whilst he battled to stay awake, and to be honest, so were most of the class, but I myself, was actually intrigued by the talk. I found it fascinating, as I jotted down the notes from the talk, trying to catch up on whatever I had dodged over the weekend.

“But guys, never have I fallen asleep in class before, so you can imagine how awful it was.” Liam laughed as I sat quietly, the rain was pouring heavily today, so as a consequence, pretty much the whole of the school was squeezed inside, some in the canteen, others, such as my group, in a substitute lunch room, that normally would be a maths class.

The room was stuffy and dull, with the unsettling smell of other people’s food, as there were about forty people of the same age squeezed in to the class room, everyone having to scream over each other in order to have a simple conversation.

They all laughed along as Liam imitated the teacher we just had whilst Danielle smiled warmly at him, stroking his arm. “So Soph, how was the party then?” Danielle asked smirking at me, as the rest of the table turned their attention on me, except for Louis who kept his focus on his phone, which by the looks of it was just a blank screen.

“Oh uh, yeah it was alright.” I mumbled picking at the bread of the sandwich which I suddenly, didn’t quite fancy anymore.

“Anything exciting happen?” she asked as if she was trying to pull the information out of me, as if she already knew about Niall and i. but she couldn’t have. I shook my head, letting my hair fall in front of my face as I looked down in to my lap.

“Well that’s a shame, exciting stuff always Zayn’s.” She laughed as I glared at her.

“Well nothing happened alright?” I asked paranoia taking over as the rest of the table looked at me, Louis joining them this time around.

“Sophie, okay? I get it?” She asked cautious, as I sighed, grabbing my bag and making my way out of the crowded room, in desperate need for air.

I turned down the empty corridors as I neared the school door exiting in to the vast playing field. I stopped as soon as the cold wet air hit my face, leaving my exasperated as I took a long hard breath.

As I thought I was alone, the doors behind me opened again as a group of familiar people walked out huddled together, they stood by the door for a second, as a few took out some cigarettes, passing them around.

“Sophie?” I heard a slight squeal as I turned to see Rhiannon strutting over to me, cigarette in her mouth as she did her best to grin, hopping up on the wall I had been perched on. “What are you doing out here babe?” she asked taking a long drag on the cigarette.

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