chapter twelve

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“Soph?” I heard the mutter of words in my ear, as the bed shifted beneath me but I refused to open my eyes and allow in the morning light. “Come on kid wake up.” My brother cooed, his hand resting on my arm.

“I’m eight minutes younger than you, I’m not a kid.” I mumbled in to my pillow trying to block out the memories from last night that were fighting their way back in to my mind.

“I’m still eight minutes older, and therefore cooler than you.” His laugh came out forced as I turned around to face him, his eyes were heavy as he stared down at my wearily. “I uh, I heard you crying last night…” He mumbled direction his sight to the wall. I nodded looking at the crumples of my bed sheet.

“Because I’m being accused of something I didn’t do.” He looked at me, connecting our eyes as he nodded slowly. 

“Promise me?” He asked as I nodded firmly, he if anyone should know it’s true.

“Alright, I’m sorry for being a dick of a brother.” He smiled holding out his arms as I entered his warm hug as he shook side to side. “You’re my sister, I can’t help but overreact with news like.” He laughed pulling apart from me. “There’s food downstairs and mum isn’t home yet, so feel free to come as you are.” He laughed walking out the door, I chuckled and got up wrapping a cardigan around my body.

When Matthew said food, I was expecting a breakfast, cereal perhaps, or a bacon sandwich, instead I was greeted with a share pack of Oreo’s and a can of whipped cream on the table as Matthew stuffed his face with the heart attack food. I sighed disappointedly as he looked up at me smiling.

“I think I’m going to sit in the garden.” I said forcing a smile to appear on my face, he nodded taking no notice of my state, as I walked to the fridge and grabbed a can of coke and walked outside.

It wasn’t as cold as it was yesterday, it was actually generally quite warm considering it was late autumn. I walked down to the very back of my garden where the large tree stood, two strings of rope hanging far apart and a sort of hammock fashioned in between the two- something my father had put together many years ago.

I sat on the shaky hammock pulling my feet up and wrapping my cardigan tighter around my body, it was early, must have been about 9am and I felt completely alone. No boyfriend to come and comfort me and no-

No boy that I thought was my friend but who was embarrassed to be seen with me and blames me for anything to hang out with.

That sounds about right.

I sighed throwing my head back, closing my eyes letting to soft sound of the wind whipping around calm me down.

“The fuck are you doing?” I heard a familiar accent call, I looked up to see Niall standing in his garden next to mine, leaning over the fence staring at me blankly.

“This is my garden isn’t it?” I sighed closing my eyes again wishing he’d leave me alone.

“You look like you’re in pain though” he pointed out. I was in pain. I had the worst headache from last night and wasn’t feeling to well in general.

“Well that’s what being accused of being a slut will do to you.”

“I didn’t call you a slut” he laughed, I was angry that our fences were only waist high, the threat that Niall could easily step over the fence at any minute and insult me made my stomach turn. “I just, Harry said you two fucked, and trust me Harry isn’t the type of guy I want you doing that with.” He murmured, who was he to control who I did what with?

“Well it’s not about what you want. And we didn’t… we didn’t have sex.” I sighed, I heard a thud on the ground and looked up to see Niall now walking over to me, I sighed sitting up and swinging my legs over the side of the hammock as Niall squeezed on to it with me.

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