chapter one

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“Sophie!” My mum called from downstairs, it was a Saturday morning, I had no idea what the harm was of letting me sleep past eight for once in my life. I groaned to myself as I pushed my face back in to the pillow trying to ignore the sounds of the outside world.

“Sophie May! Will you come down here already?” Once again my mother shrieked up the stairs. I rolled my eyes and pulled myself out of the small, yet warm bed, I was greeted by the horrific sight of my morning face as I stood up, hair wild, sticking out in places you’d think was humanly impossible, I shoved it up in to a high pony tail and slipped on my sweatshirt before stumbling down the stairs.

“Morning mother” I mumbled sitting down at the neatly laid table in front of me. She gave me a disapproving look as she glanced at me from the stove. My mother and I were completely different, there she stood, in her dressing gown, neatly tied at the waist, with her hair in perfect ringlets and not a dark circle in sight, whereas I was a mess, clothes hanging off my shoulders, dark circles covering my eyes and hair similar to a haystack. Across from the table was my father, reading a newspaper, legs crossed as he chewed on his finger nail, a disgusting habit that I myself possessed.

“Where’s your brother?” My mother asked turning to me, laying four plates of egg and bacon on the table, I shrugged my shoulders, diving for a piece of toast before anyone could take them all. My mother huffed, walking to the stairs and calling for my brother before coming and taking her place at the dining table.

My brother grumbled curses under his breath as he trudged in to the kitchen taking his seat beside me as normal, ah my brother, my parents pride and joy for some unknown reason, I watched as he eyed the golden piece of toast I had in my hand before snatching it from me and shoving it in to his own fat gob. “Matthew!” I moaned as he smirked, shoving more and more food in to his mouth.

“Now soph, your brothers a growing lad, he needs all the food he can get.” My mother defended him, as she buttered her bread, what was I? An unknown species sitting with them, not needing food? Ridiculous.

My brother stuck his tongue childishly out at me, fully displaying the disgusting content of his mouth. Physically my brother was sixteen, mentally he was still six. I myself was the same age as him, and yet so much more mature.

“Did you hear?” My brother began his idle gossip as normal, informing my parents on the neighbours newest information, he was like some sort of gossip radar, if there was news, you could be sure my brother had heard it. “The Horan’s next door are having their son move back in with them, remember him Soph?” My brother asked nudging me with his bony elbow.

I did indeed remember him. Niall Horan, We were roughly the same age, give or take a few months, I remember the both of us used to be good friends before secondary school, where he started hanging out with the wrong crowds, let’s just say, a lip piercing and criminal record later, I no longer wished to socialise with him. His parents sent him away a few years back to some boarding school, set him straight again, I take it worked if they’re letting him back.

“Anyway, he’s coming back today apparently, re-enrolling at our school, should be fun.” Matthew finished his gossip and I excused myself from the table, retreating to my room.

I liked the privacy my room allowed me, it was my own sanctuary, somewhere where I wasn’t judge for who I was. I sat in my cushion bay window looking down at the street below. My room faced the street we lived on so I had a constant view of what was going on whether I liked it or not. Right now I watched as my brother and his somewhat new girlfriend sat on the swing seat in my front garden, him no doubt whispering happy nothings in to her ear as she took it all in, like any girl would.

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