chapter fifty

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I didn’t want to think about the consequences of Niall and I making up in front of all my friends, in front of Ben especially, we shared a kiss in front of them, before Niall took me by the hand I pulled me out of Louis’. I didn’t even say goodbye, I was too confused, caught up in the moment, I knew I had become a terrible person to the people who are supposed to matter the most to me.

“Nobodies home, you might as well come in…” I muttered, refusing to let go of Nialls hand as I unlocked my front door, pushing any worries of my parents to the back of my mind.

“What about your mum?” Niall asked quietly. He had become so different, he had started to let his walls down for me, he was no longer the rude, egotistic boy he was when we started hanging out a few months ago, true, he still had his episodes, but he no longer showed me the side of him that didn’t care, he now held caution, of being caught by my parents, making sure we were careful. It made me feel so much closer to him, like I had finally been able to gain the trust that so many others had failed to earn.

“Honestly Niall, she hasn’t bothered speaking to me in a week, I cant be afraid of her, im single aren’t I?” I frowned slightly as we walked through in to my living room. “And if I’m single I should be allowed to hang around with whoever I want.”

Before I could say anything else, I felt Niall’s arms wrap around my waist pulling me backwards in to him.

“But you’re not single.” His voice came out almost like a growl, but a gentle one as he began walking backwards, pulling me with him.

“Well everyone thinks I am” Niall fell back on to the sofa as I tumbled down on top of him, he wrapped an arm behind my legs, pulling them up on to his lap as he pressed his lips firmly against my cheek.

“Not for long, I’ll say whatever you want, just don’t go back to Ben…” Niall muttered as I turned around staring at him confused.

“Niall…” I mumbled “I didn’t go to Louis’ so I could see Ben, I didn’t know anyone was going to be there, I’m not getting back with Ben, ever okay?” I touched his cheek with my hand softly as Niall looked down, he looked so sad, almost as if he didn’t believe me.

“Okay.” Niall mumbled quietly, he wrapped his arms around my waist and shifted further down on to the sofa, resting his chin on the top of my head. “But just promise me, that you’ll never leave me for Ben Sophie.” It broke my heart that he was so insecure about our relationship.

“Niall I’m not leaving.” I muttered craning my neck back to look at him and nod slightly. I don’t know how Niall and I had become so serious so quickly, I suppose we had been pretty serious from day one, but vowing to never leave scared me.

“Me neither.” He whispered dipping his head down and kissing my lips softly as one of his hands rested on my hip, pushing me to turn around which I did, moving to straddle his waist.

I moved my hand to Nialls chest, pressing firmly against it as he slid further back on the couch.

Nialls lips connected to mine again, his kiss was warm and sloppy as his tongue darted in to my mouth and I felt the cool sting of his lip ring.

“Sophie?” Niall breathed through the kiss, as he pulled away slightly, lingering inches from my face as he searched my eyes.

“Uhuh?” I mumbled, wanting desperately for him to kiss me again, to feel his warmth and his touch.

“Sophie you know how in love I am with you don’t you?” he asked openly, breathingly as if he were out of breath and trying to squeeze the words out. I nodded letting my eyes fall to his lips as I went back in. but before our lips could reach, Niall pulled me back gently.

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