chapter fourteen

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"Soph, I don't know what you're doing at the moment, but whatever it is, keep it low key" My brother scolded the next morning as we walked the damp trail to school, he had asked numerous questions about yesterday's disagreement, all of which I had brushed off, leaving him clueless.

"Matthew I'm not doing anything!" I whined shoving him off of the pavement gently as he stumbled to the side, shooting me a look.

"Whatever dork." He mumbled smirking at me as I returned the gesture.

Silence fell among us for the remainder of our journey, until Matt poked my arm gently glaring across the road. "I think someone wants to speak to you." He whispered through gritted teeth as I diverted my gaze to across the road where Niall was standing shadily staring at us, underneath his school blazer he wore a navy hoodie which didn't quite fit over his bulky uniform. He stared at me for a while as I did the same, Matthew looking questioningly at me before pushing me from the back over in Nialls direction as he continued walking on the last stretch of road.

"Uh, hey." I muttered as I stood in front of him, avoiding eye contact, which I knew he was looking for. I didn't know why I was acting like the one riddled with guilt here, if anything it should have been him. He's the one who embarrassed me in front of our whole year, and screamed at me, almost hit me.

But then again, none of that would have happened if it wasn't for me.

Maybe it was my fault?

"Hi." He replied now starting to walk, as I followed not particularly wanting to be late for school. The silence amongst us was awkward and unwanted, as he pulled his hood over his head when the rain started to slowly fall to the ground. "You were really out of line the other day." Niall mumbled facing me as he kicked the gravel with the toe of his shoe.

"What?" I asked astonished he thought I was the one to blame. "You aren't even sorry for nearly reducing me to tears in front of everyone yesterday?" I gawped feeling the anger building inside of me again.

"Well it wouldn't have come to that if it wasn't for you."

"I had to go and see Ben!" I defended throwing my hands in all directions as frustration threatened to spill over the edge.

"Fuck Ben Sophie, you are my friend, friends come fucking first." He snapped as I rolled my eyes at him and his demeanour. "As I said yesterday, get your head out of your fucking arse, or even better Sophie, get it out of Bens arse!" He sighed again, moving further away from me as we approached the iron school gates.

"I'm not staying here to be insulted Niall." I snapped speeding up as I stuck my head in the air, taking in the cool air that surrounded me.

"Sophie I'm trying to apologise here!" Niall yelled from behind me causing me to turn around and glare at him.

"If your way of apologising is insulting me and blaming me, then you really need to relearn how to say sorry!" I yelled stepping closer to him as he smirked smugly.

"I was leading up to that!" he laughed casually as if he were oblivious to the fact I was about the slap him in his pale face. I rose my eyebrows as I crossed my arms against my chest, impatiently tapping my left toe awaiting his big 'apology' he laughed once more at my actions shaking his head.

"I'm sorry for yesterday Sophie, just don't ditch me again." He mumbled staring at the ground, I wasn't going to forgive him that easily, not this time anyway.

"Apology not accepted, and no, I probably will ditch you again." I remarked turning around and walking in to the school grounds.

"Sophie-may! Don't be such a little bitch!" I heard someone call from behind me, causing a few people to look and snicker, I glared at his smug expression once more as I stomped back over to him as he smugly stared down at me. "I told you I'm sorry." He chuckled as I sighed, him pinching me on the arm gently. "Come on." He pushed as I looked up at the smirk on his face, once again letting myself fall for his charm.

I shook my head laughing as I walked towards my class, Niall chuckling next to me, well aware of the fact he'd won again.


"Are you okay then? Yesterday was quite fucked up." Harry laughed as he blew tendrils of smoke out from his mouth, I didn't know how he hadn't got caught for smoking on school grounds yet, we were sitting at the very back of the field out of sight of everyone, deciding on taking a day off from our normal friends.

"Yeah it was fine really, we made up this morning." I smiled dodging a puff of smoke heading in my direction.

"Oh, you did?" he asked disappointedly, I brushed his emotion off and nodded smiling, taking a bite of my ham and cheese sandwich. "Anyway, there's another party this weekend, at Zayn's, you up for it?" Harry smiled welcomingly as he invited me to yet another party.

"Another party?" I asked exasperated. I only ever had parties when I hit a big age, so really I've had about three parties in my whole life, 5, 10 and 15. And yet these people seem to have one every other weekend, despite the fact of there being no real reason to throw one.

Harrys laugh surrounded the small area we were in as he laughed at my obvious shallowness. "Yeah Soph, they're a regular thing." He explained patting my shoulder patronizingly, as he smiled, I nodded mulling the idea over in my head.

At first I thought I'd go for it, the last one wasn't actually as bad as I thought it would be, and it would be an excuse to get away from my mother for a few hours but then another thought burrowed its way in to my mind. Harry had invited me to this party, I wouldn't know if Ben would be alright with this, or Niall. But why was I worrying about Niall? He did not control what I did or where I went. Or who with for a matter of fact.

"I'll go."


It was only later that evening I started to regret my decision.

Matt wasn't going, Danielle wasn't going, nobody apart from Harry's group was going that I knew. Danielle had told me she'd never go to a party at one of their houses, last time it got way out of hand, and Matthew had said the same, I hadn't told him I was going of course, only just brought the party up to him for gossip concerns.

I had to go now, there was no backing down, I'd told Harry I would go, I was keeping that promise.

"Ben?" I spoke in to the phone as I bit my nails, something I only do when I'm either nervous or scared, I guessed now was one of those times.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked, I could practically here the smile in his voice as he innocently spoke to me.

"Ben I was invited to a party this Saturday, would it be alright if I went?" I asked holding my breath until he replied, which was quite a while. I had to check he was still on the line and I hadn't lost him due to the long time that silence had fallen among us.

"Is it at Nialls house?" he asked seriously.

"No, just some girl from our school." There was no need for him to know it was in fact a guy, an extremely good looking one at that.

"Yeah, well sure, I'll see you on Sunday then I suppose." He chirped, sounding happier than he had a moment ago, due to the fact he no longer thought Niall would be there.

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