17. Mitchell's Birthday Surprise

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"Happy birthdayyyyy!" I exclaimed happily as I launched myself to Mitchell for a hug.

He embraced me eagerly while chuckling, "Hi, Char! Thank you!"

"Have a wonderful happiness ahead, Mitchy." I grinned when we untangle our hug.

"Thanks." He sent me playful wink before greeted Dongwook whom I knew he purposely enjoyed not talking too much as he used to.

"Happy birthday, AJ." He said straight to the point while handing out a sleek navy blue box.

"Ah, hyunggggg. Thank you so much!" Mitchel actually snatched the box greedily then hugged him.

Sly fox.
I remembered how he shamelessly giving us various hint of what things he needs nowadays, hoping us would notice and bring to him as birthday gift.

"Can I open it? Forget it, why I'm asking you anyway, it's my birthday and I'll do what I want." He babbled to himself, earning silly laugh from Dongwook.

"Open it, it's yours anyway."

He opened the box and I swear he let his jaw dropped few seconds before shut it up and swear, "Fuuuuuuuuuuuu—"

I smacked his arm as reward.

"Fuck, Char!" and honestly there's no day for Mitchell to not swearing.

"Kids." Dongwook warned before I had chance to take down Mitchell on the floor, birthday or not birthday.

"Fuck, sorry. Hyunggggg, this is sick! I swear I swear! You're the best!!!" He took out black sleek fancy and brand-new smart watch from the box.

As we all know, Dongwook is always spoil us. Being one of the eldest he takes the role seriously, he take cares us, protects and helps us with everything he has.

"Glad you like it." He smiled, as if it was nothing. Very cool guy, he give us the coolest oppa vibe.

"And you, what do you bring for me?" he looked at me expectantly.

"It's nothing." I smiled sheepishly, thinking that mine was such a silly gift, maybe I should buy other thing for Mitchell.

"What nothing? I knew you bring something."

"But it's nothing compared to what they give to you." I'm starting to regret why did I choose the stupid gift for Mitchell.

"The hell with that, Char? I don't care what it is, as long as you choose it personally for me." He scolded me.

"I told her that, silly girl." Dongwook agreed. I was so worry, thinking what if Mitchell didn't like it but Dongwook keep saying that Mitchell will like it and he even asked me to make on for his birthday too, which was still in 8 months away.

"But.." I trailed off, "It's nothing, really." I fished out the note book wrapped with red ribbon from my oversize jeans jacket. It was only a black note with all cartoons drawing of mostly Mitchell and our friends inside it, made by me, my own drawing. It took me four months to finish them, around 67 pages.

"Aw, so nice." He commented, half teasing as I handed the gift.

"Give it back." I changed my mind but Mitchell already rise his hand, damn this tall guy, I couldn't reach it.

"What is it? Why do I feel like it's filled by Charlie's poems, confessing her undying love for me?" He laughed and Dongwook's chuckle joining him.

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