Karen picked her up from her crib and she softly bounced her up and down in her arms. Aaliyah looked behind Karen's shoulder.

Shawn came into the room and snaked his arm around my waist, planting a kiss on my left temple, then rested his head atop mine.

Karen looked up, smiling. "You guys can go to bed" She motioned us away with her hand.

"You can rest, ya know" Shawn said. "She's fine in her crib"

"No no" She replied. "I want to hold her a little longer. You guys should go make another one"

My eyes widened. "Mom!" Shawn and Aaliyah exclaimed simultaneously.

"What?? I'm being genuine. Jasmine needs a sibling"

Aaliyah groaned and Shawn scrunched his nose. "Good night guys" I said, walking out of the room.

I got back into bed and Shawn softly plopped himself onto me, his nose tickling the crook of my neck. He stopped and looked up at me. "Can we continue the moment we were having downstairs?"

I nodded my head. "Sure" I quickly planted a small kiss on his lips.

He frowned. "I don't think that was what was going to happen. I think" He smirked. "It was going to go something like this" Shawn brought his left hand to my cheek and passionately and slowly kissed me.

I pulled away to catch my breath and ran my fingers through his hair. He leaned in but I stopped him. "What? Did I do something wrong?"

"No. You're perfect. And I would love to continue. But we can't. You're family is here"

His head crashed on my chest and I continuously ran my fingers through his hair like I do with Layla. "It's Valentine's Day" He whined.

"I'll make it up to you, don't worry. Also, we're not having another kid"

"We're not?" He questioned.

"Do you want another?"

"Well, yeah. Do you?"

"Of course. Just not yet. We literally just had Jasmine"

"Ahh yes. Thanks to my mom for planting ideas in our heads"


In the morning, I woke up to the smell of breakfast being cooked from downstairs. I rubbed my eyes to get adjusted to the sunlight in the room and found next to me, my daughter dressed in a fluffy bear costume holding a plush pillow that said I love you.

I smiled and carried her. "Hi baby" I said in a "baby" voice. I gave her a bunch of tiny kisses which made her smile. I set her down on her little portable crib on the bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. After that, I brought Jasmine with me downstairs.

"Good morning!" I was greeted by Aaliyah and Karen who were in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

"You guys didn't have to make breakfast. You're the guests here"

"It's not a problem at all" Karen smiled. "You and Shawn are probably restless considering you were awake at three in the morning"

"I can't disagree with you" I chuckled, placing the baby in the baby swing next to the couch. "Where's Shawn?"

"He went to the store real quick" Aaliyah answered. 

I sat down at the table next to her and Karen handed me a coffee. I thanked her and spoke, "So, Aaliyah. How's Jordan?" I smiled, taking a sip of my coffee cup.

She immediately started blushing. "Jordan is.." She nodded her head and gave me a really big smile.

I smiled back. "Sounds like it's going well"

"It's better than 'well', Alana" Karen interjected. "She spends all her time with Jordan. We barely even see her anymore"

I raised my eyebrows. "It's important to spend time with your parents too, chica"

"That's easy for you to say. You spend all your time with Shawn"

"I live ten minutes away from my parents! And Shawn is my husband"

Aaliyah placed her elbow on the table and rested her cheek on the palm of her hand. "I guess you're right"

The garage door opened and Shawn bursted in the room carrying 3 bouquets of flowers. He handed a colorful bouquet to Karen and Aaliyah then stopped in front of me with a bouquet of red roses.

I smiled as I took them from him. "Thank you, love" He grabbed my head in both of his hands and kissed my forehead.

"Get dressed. We're going out"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Just us?"

"Mhm. Mom and Aaliyah offered to watch Sweets"

"Are you guys sure?"

Karen walked over to me and motioned her hands. "Go go. Get dressed. We'll be okay. The baby will be fine"


Shawn parked the car in front of a large building. I read the sign on top. "An ice skating rink?!"

"Yes! I rented the whole building for an hour so it's just us" He stepped out of the car and ran to my side to open the door for me. I took his hand and we walked inside.

He handed me a pair of ice skates that were already out for us and he led me into the rink.

Shawn immediately got on to the ice and started skating gracefully like a professional. I stayed at the opening of the ice just watching him in mesmerization. He skated towards me.

"Come on! What are you waiting for" He breathed deeply to catch his breath.

"I have to be honest with you" I bit my lip. "I don't know how to ice skate"

His eyes lit up. "You should've just said so! Here, take my hand" I took his hand and slowly but surely got onto the ice.

He skated with me for a little. "Alright" He patted my hand that was gripping his right arm. "I'm going to let you go now"

"What?! Don't!"

"Honey" He chuckled. "You need to learn to be free. Skate without training wheels"

"I don't think I-" Shawn let me go and I ended up falling backwards on my butt. His eyes widened and he quickly came by my side to help me get up.

"How do you do it?!" I asked once I was stood up.

"You just need to glide. Like you're a graceful animal or something" He let go of me and skated back. "Alright" He said loudly. "Slowly move your way towards me"

I shuffled my feet a little with both hands stuck outwards by my side for balance. I was slowly moving until I decided to push with one of my feet and then I was really moving.

"See! You got this" Shawn clapped his hands. I skated towards him with open arms and he caught me.

I giggled as I looked up at him. "I never want this to end"

4 Months Later...

"Hi this is Shawn. Sorry I couldn't get to you. Please leave a message!" I waited for the beep sound. Beep.

I sighed then spoke. "Hey. I know you're probably still at the studio. I'm happy that you're getting your flow back. You probably forgot that we had dinner reservations tonight for our first wedding anniversary. I'm upset that you didn't show up but it's whatever. Don't worry about it. Call me when you get the chance" I ended the call and set my phone down. I looked over at Jasmine sleeping next to me and kissed her forehead before walking into the closet.

I grabbed one of Shawn's hoodies and hugged it as my body slowly sank to the floor. An eruption of tears flowed out from my eyes and I allowed myself to sob into the jacket.

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