Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

<Sehun's POV>

"Does it matter? You like Soa right? So can you please do something about it?" Raena demanded.

She clearly does not understand the situation. It doesn't matter if i like Soa or not. It is totally her choice that she chooses to be with Luhan and that she actually fell for him, it has nothing to do with me at all. So what if i like Soa? There is nothing i can do. I only know that i needed to protect her because Seona told me to do so. About Seona...

She was Luhan's girlfriend until... she disappeared. I have no idea how she disappeared. The last time i saw her was when she told me to protect Soa if she ever came to this school. I wondered how she knew that Soa would really actually come to this school. Sisters indeed. But nonetheless, i didnt speak about that matter to anyone.

"Clearly you havent got over with hyung yet. He has already let go of you. Why not you stop tormenting yourself and just give them your blessing?" I looked at her in the eye.

"If you arent going to do anything, then im going to do something myself." She went off without letting me say another word.

It is clear enough that she doesnt want to let go... why is she making it so difficult for herself? Girls... i dont understand.

The bell rung and everyone went back to class. While i was walking back to the classroom, i saw Soa with Luhan again.

They were at the door of the classroom. He was touching her hair as he spoke something inaudible, and Soa just smiled sweetly at him before walking into class after saying bye. If she is that happy with Luhan i guess i should let Luhan do the job of protecting her. Anyways i have no reason to protect her other than her sister.

I wonder if Soa even knows that Seona once had a boyfriend and that boyfriend was Luhan. But it doesnt matter i guess. I knew Luhan didnt exactly love all of girlfriends that he had. He was just playing around. And i let him do things his way. Since i trusted him that he would not go overboard. And up till now, he kept his promise. It would do no harm to continue to trust this hyung of mine.

I sat down in my seat as the teacher came in for lessons. Soa still had that silly smile on her face. This girl gets happy so easily eh.

"Stop with that stupid smile. Its getting annoying." I commented.

She turned to face me and clicked her tongue at me. "Whats wrong with smiling?" She asked.

"Nothing. It looks stupid on you." I replied, causing her to scoff.

From the side of my eyes, i could see that she couldnt be bothered with me. Aish, i was just joking around with her. I didnt want her to be too happy with Luhan. I dont want her to get hurt. But then... she was the one that made her own choice. Up to her, i guess, i wont interfere with Luhan's love affairs anyways.

"So this trip will be held the end of this week. We'll be there for a week. Forms will be given out later at the end of the day. Questions?" The teacher announced.

What? Trip? Where? Shoots. I wasnt listening. Forget it, ill just ask Chanyeol or something.

Lessons resumed as everyone settled down with the trip news. Soon enough, bell rung again and lessons ended. Finally.

"Chanyeol!" I ran up to him as he was packing his books at his seat near the front of the classroom.

"Oh, whats the matter, Sehun?" Chanyeol looked up.

"For the trip. Where is it? I wasnt exactly listening." I asked as i brushed my nape in embarrassment.

"U were busy with Soa after all." Baekhyun cut in from the side, causing Chanyeol to laugh.

Right. I forgot Baekhyun was there, listening. Baekhyun was Chanyeol's seat mate after all. What am i thinking.

"Anyways, its an overseas trip, at USA. Cool right, we'll be there for a week. Plus, the seniors are going with us too." Chanyeol continued.

"Yeah, totally." I responded as everyone came. Kyungsoo, Suho and Kai were at Chanyeol's table now.

"Do you wanna hang out together?" Suho offered.

"If you guys dont mind. Anyways, im sorry for the way i acted these few days... i was... a little... stress." I accepted his offer, being very careful with my choice of words. It wouldnt hurt to hang out with my friends again. I missed them so much.

"Of course we wouldnt mind! Its fine, you have us!" Chanyeol exclaimed as he placed his hands around me and patted me on my back. I smiled at his friendly gesture.

< TaeYul's POV >

After the last bell rang, i went up to Soa. There were guys surrounding her as they kept eyeing on her. Soa had completely no idea that those guys are actually looking at her as she packed her books at her own pace. How insensitive.

"Soa~" i went up to her as i glared at all the guys around her. They went off, knowing how rough i can get. Especially when it comes to this.

"Oh, TaeYul."  She smiled.

"Are you going with Luhan?" I asked.

"Uh... im not sure. Maybe, i guess. You dont mind going with Xiumin right?" She asked back.

"Im not going with him." Words came out of my mouth without thinking. Gosh.

"Huh?" Soa was confused, with one of her eyebrows raised. Looks like i have to explain here...

"Uh... i kinda fought with Xiumin. Its nothing much. Just some stuff. It'll be over before the trip." I explained.

She didnt buy my story.

"I dont believe things are so simple. Xiumin is a kind and forgiving guy. He wouldnt fight with you over small matters." She answered.

Well... she is right... i guess she's observant too eh.

"Fine, ill tell you but not here." I gave in. She hurriedly took her books and went back to the dorms with me.

"So...?" She invited me to talk as we both sat down.

How do i tell her? She was right after all, things werent so simple. Xiumin and i did fight pretty badly.

[ A/N: another secret uncovered! Seona once had a relationship with Luhan! But this chapter suggests that Luhan was just having a fling with Seona and could probably do the same to Soa too!

For TaeYul, what could she possibly fight with Xiumin? After all, Xiumin wouldnt want to lose his friendship with TaeYul since he likes her...]

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