Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

< Sehun's POV>

When lessons ended, i saw Luhan waiting for Soa outside the classroom. And i felt a tinge of jealousy washing over me when Soa went towards him. But it cant be possible that i like her. i just cant. All i have to do is protect her. Really. Her sister was the one that sent me to protect her. From who? I have no idea. [FLASHBACK]

"Sehun!" Seona came up to me, with a worried look on her face. An unnatural look for her petite, feminine face. I widened my eyes in shock. Ive never seen her look so worried before. "I beg you. If Soa ever comes to my school, please please protect her with all your might." She begged with tears streaming down her rosy cheeks, her arms grabbing onto mine in despair. " what happened? Soa? Who is that?" I asked. "My sister. Protect her. Remember. And please dont tell anyone." She said before running off, still in tears. I didnt even manage to hear what exactly happened that caused her to react this way. [End of flashback]

After that, i never saw Seona again, without knowing the reason.

But i know i have to protect Soa. It seemed pretty easy to protect her since i always felt like doing so ever since i met her.

[ Flaskback]  I remember when i first reached school, i was looking for Luhan-hyung as usual and when i saw him, I was a little late. Soa had bumped into him. She and her sister looked alike in some ways and i recognised her the moment i saw her. And so, I left for class since i saw Luhan helping Soa. Luhan is a pretty trustable guy so i trusted Luhan that he would protect Soa for the time being. And i didnt want to interrupt since they were talking at that time.

And later on, i waited for Soa outside the studio on the bench. I wanted to check if she was fine. Then someone tapped me on the shoulder from behind. "Hey. Thanks for just now." A voice behind me said. I turned around and saw that it was Soa. "What are you talking about?" I gave her a weird look since i dont remember helping her. "Oops. Sorry, i mistook you for Luhan." She apologized. I didnt know how to react at that time so i just snapped at her instead. I didnt want to be awkward too. I mean no one has ever mistook me for Luhan by the silhouette. No one.

And by surprise, she went off after i snapped at her. That was really different from her sister. If her sister was in her place, she would have yelled at me, creating a din. But Soa, she just left without saying anything. So different.

After she left, Mr Kim went to me to ask me something about Kai, his son. And i told him that he was doing fine. Mr Kim also told me to ask Luhan to look for him right at that moment. So with that, i went to look for Luhan-hyung to convey the message that Mr Kim just told me. And that was when i saw Luhan walking with Soa. I went up to him and pretended i didnt know Soa since no one knows that Seona actually asked me to protect her. Not even Luhan-hyung. And it would have seemed weird if i knew Soa without anyone telling me. I then teased Luhan saying Soa was his new girlfriend. It was because of that, that Soa went off abruptly. I guess it was because she knew that Luhan had a girlfriend, Raena, at that time. But i seriously hope Luhan doesnt become Soa's boyfriend. Things will just get a whole lot complicated. I also guessed it was a pretty good move for me to make Luhan seemed like a player so she would distanced herself from Luhan. Things will really be extra complicated if she chose to be close with Luhan. Or even, be in a relationship with him. Not that it was anything wrong. But it would make it difficult for her to know the truth. I do know that she came here for the truth behind her sister's disappearance. But being in a relationship with Luhan would be a barrier. [End of Flashback]

And now with what i had seen, it seemed that she has fallen for Luhan. Guess i cant do much if feelings are involved.

"Sehun!" A deep voice called out. It was the giant Chanyeol. "Lunch together?" He asked, the entire group behind him waiting. "Nah." I gathered my things and walked away with disappointed looks all over their faces. I havent been exactly hanging out with them. Not that i didnt want to, but i had been busy. Busy with Soa. Even if she was with Luhan, i had to check from time to time. Since i didnt know who to protect Soa from, i had to be wary of everyone, including Luhan.

I walked to the dorm when Chanyeol ran up to me. "U guys can go eat first." I said, thinking that he was going to ask for lunch together again. "Im not here for that..." Chanyeol trailed off. I raised my eyebrows, curious before inviting him to speak. "U have been busy ever since semester two kicked in. Did you encounter some sort of trouble or something? You've become rather distant." Chanyeol frowned a little. "I... i just had some work to catch up on." I lied. As i've said, no one knows about my duty of protecting Soa. "Really?" He raised an eyebrow, not accepting the reason i gave. "Yeah." I was firm on lying about this. "If you need any help then i guess we are all here to help you." Chanyeol reluctantly accepted my answer. I could hear a tinge of doubt in his voice. I nodded my head before walking away.

[ A/N: this chapter is alittle difficult to understand. Please read twice if you dont understand >< i know you guys wanted to know what happened in year 1. But i guess this is good too right? Letting you guys know why Sehun had to protect Soa. Why did Sehun actually listened to Seona? Is their relationship that close? Heh. Ill show you guys everything. Soon! Also, why did Sehun not hope for Soa and Luhan to be together? How is that being a barrier in knowing the truth? Is it a major distraction for Soa? :o heheh i think i just made you guys think. Well, im sure you will understand everything when i show you~~ hope you liked this chapter! ^^ ]

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