Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

<TaeYul's POV>

Ms Qin, looked at Kim Jongin before looking at me, there was no change in her expressions. "For why should i do that?" Ms Qin asked Kai. "If im not wrong, she has lessons after school and if she goes for detention after her singing lessons, she would finish her detention at 12am. Thats too late. Give her another chance. She deserves it." Kai reasoned out. What. Im speechless. He knows my schedule? Urgh. There was a moment of silence before Ms Qin spoke.

"Alrights then. Thank Jongin for helping you, Sol Taeyul." Ms Qin turned her back towards me and resumed lessons. I glared at Kai, who was smiling as proud as he could ever be. Every teacher seems to be biased towards Kai and i have no idea why. Maybe its cause he dances really well or something like that. I made a mental note that i do not owe him anything as he helped me voluntarily. I walked to my seat and as i passed by his seat, he brushed something in my hands. It was a piece of note. I sat down on my seat and took a look at the note. Not that i wanted to but do i look like i have a choice? He is like staring at me as i settle down in my seat.

"You owe me one. Meet me during lunch at the garden." Was written on the note. No way. I rather go with Xiumin that is now a little awkward than go with him. I crumpled the piece of paper in my hands and threw it away. Kai was still looking at me, i shook my head, telling him i wouldnt go with him. He turned back and wrote something down before crunching it, throwing it to me. I glared at him.

"Just look. Unless you're scared of me." He mouthed the words to me. Pft. Me? Scared of him? In your dreams, Kim Jongin! Rolling my eyes, I straightened out the piece of paper to take a look what he has written.

"If you want to have nothing to do with me, you really should go lunch with me." Heol. Thick-skinned. But what he said is true, if i want to have nothing to do with him, i should go. And he wouldnt be able to say that i owe him anything or something like that. I wrote back my reply. "Fine." And threw it back to him. He smiled after seeing my reply. I swear there would be no next time for such stuff.

<Narrator's POV>

You saw the entire scene of Kai helping TaeYul. For once, you were a little worried that Kai and TaeYul would both get into trouble but seeing that Mrs Qin is biased towards Kai, she dropped the detention thingy. Thank goodness. Or TaeYul would have demerit points and it wouldnt help her for sure...

You turned around several times to check on TaeYul but whenever that happens, you would always see Kai interacting with TaeYul. Hah. And she said she doesnt have anything gotta do with Kai. You made a mental note to integrate her later when lunch comes.

Lunch time came. You packed your stuff, wanting to go up to TaeYul when you saw Luhan standing outside of the classroom. Damn. Is he... waiting for you? He was leaning against the corridor walls, looking at you, smiling. Many girls were swarming around him, trying to say hi or talk to him but he ignored all of them. You heaved a sigh as your heart quickened its pace. "My hyung is waiting for you, arent you going?" Sehun spoke, still beside you. "I-i am..." you muttured. When you look up again to find TaeYul, she was gone. She went off already, probably cause she saw Luhan waiting for you. You took your bag and left too.

You went out of the classroom and Luhan walked towards you, immediately. "Hey, Soa." Luhan smiled warmly. "Hey." You smiled back, looking away. It was a little awkward for you since what has happened yesterday still haunts you a little. (Just in case you guys forgotten, it was Luhan putting his arms over Soa in the cafeteria and everyone started talking about her.) "Where are you going?" He asked as he walked along you. "Back to the dorms." You replied. "arent you going to eat?" He frowned a little, as if he thought you were going to starve yourself. "i-im not hungry." You lied. You didnt eat breakfast this morning since you were trying to wake TaeYul up. And now you didnt wanna go to the cafeteria with Luhan since you were still afraid. Afraid that everyone will talk about you.

"Oh. Then ill go with you." He said, putting his hands in his pocket. You didnt say anything and continued walking.

"Are you still uncomfortable with me?" Luhan asked as he felt the awkwardness. You nodded your head. How can you not feel uncomfortable? I mean you already fell in love with Luhan... definitely you will feel uncomfortable. You're not sure when but you fell in love. Maybe when he was dancing with you, under his gentle gaze.  Maybe when he took care of you. Or maybe when he confessed. You're not sure. But you know you have truly liked him this time round. You were so afraid he'd hear your heart drumming loudly against your chest that you feel the little urge to stay away from him. Luhan, what have you done? You know you are suppose to find out your sister's disappearance but falling in love seems to be inevitable in this journey.

[ A/N: now Soa is clear of her feelings towards Luhan! For the past few chapters she has been feeling the heart thumping and now shes sure she has feelings! Soon enough, they should be together unless Sehun comes in between. Lets just see who has fate with Soa!

And for TaeYul, Kai definitely has reasons for calling her out for lunch. Even i wonder what he'll say/do! >< next chapter to be up soon~ ]

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