Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"You sounded pissed just now. Did something happen between u and Kai or something?" You asked as TaeYul was still dragging you in the hallways after what happened just now. Her back was still facing you. "Its nothing. I just hate it when people touch me and that person isnt even close to me." She said as she let go of your arms. "Are you really okai?" You asked as you didnt see TaeYul like this before. She seems so... soft? Sad? Something around there, you cant point it out. But u do know there is something going on with her.

<TaeYul's POV>

"Im fine. Ill go back to the dorms before I head to my singing lessons. U should prepare for dance as well." I repLIED. Yes, I lied. I wasnt fine. I wasnt fine at all. But for now, she doesnt need to know whats between me and Kai. It isnt important. Okai, it is, but I dont see a need for her to know. After all, she might not understand since she is still the new girl.

After replying her, I left without waiting for her response. Sorry, Soa, for my cold actions. I needed to be that cold TaeYul for a while...

<Soa's POV>

Are you sure she's fine? When that nerd touched her she wasnt even that mad as comapred to Kai. Seriously, something must be on with those two...

You went to the vending machine to buy a drink before heading down to the school's library. You wanted to look for the articles since you have about 1 hour before your dance class starts. And Dayeon had class so there is no one you can hang out with.

You went into the library and it was quiet. (Ofcc its quiet, what am I thinking -.-) there were not much people around. You went towards the tall bookshelf that says "Science". Damn, there were tons of books there, considering the size of the bookshelf. Your eyes ran through the titles of the books. You then spotted a tall, giant guy looking through the same bookshelf as you.

Yes, he is very tall. Considering the fact that he could possibly hit the ceiling.

He looks like a senior. Perhaps he can help you.

"Urh... Excuse me, can you help me?"

<Kris' POV>

Uh? Is someone talking to me? I turned to my left and saw a smiling, bright girl. Her brown soft hair was resting behind her, flowing along with her gentle movements. Her brown hazel eyes and cherry lips seems to be familiar... wait... isnt she the girl Luhan is eyeing on ever since her first day?

I raised my eyebrows.

"So sorry to trouble you but can u help me search for Science-related books for Year 2?" She asked, slightly looking down. "Sure." I nodded my head and went towards her. I picked out some of the books that I think would be suitable.

"There. If you need more, I have it in my dorm. Do u wanna come over?" I offered as I placed the pile of books in her hands. <Soa's POV>

"Omo no thanks. I dont want to trouble you any further. Thanks for helping. Ill go now." You turned. As you turned, you dropped one of your books. You immediately tried to catch it and as a result, you lost your balance. Bracing yourself, you closed your eyes, getting ready for the pain.

You heard all the books dropped. But you felt something warm at your back. There was no pain. You slowly opened your eyes to see. The senior that helped you has cushioned your fall!

[A/N: okok, I finally managed to write a longer chapter... anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it so far. Cause I did enjoy writing it. Anyways back to the story, Soa is a transferred student. There is yearly audition for year 1 to 4, meaning you can always transfer. IF you have the talent. So basically she doesnt know what happened in the first year.]

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