Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"She brought all her belongings with her as well..." Dayeon sighed as she closed the empty cabinet. "Haish." You sighed as well. TaeYul took out her laptop and placed it on her lap. "What r you doing?" Dayeon asked. "Trying to find her using social platforms." TaeYul replied as she turned on her laptop and started tapping away. "Owh thats a good idea. I know her email account. We can try that as well." You suggested.


"Oh gosh. There are totally no traces of her!" TaeYul exclaimed. Both Dayeon and you peered at the screen. Indeed, there was no traces of her at all. Disappointed, you guys decided to go to class since it was going to start soon. "Soa, Mr Kim changed my classes and ill be with u throughout the entire day except for dance classes." TaeYul announced. "What? Why the sudden change?" You asked as you two walked along the hallway that leads to your classroom. "Im not sure. I just got the news this morning."

"Mr Kim didnt tell me when I went to his office..."

"Guess he wants me to tell u myself then? Anyways, lets go." TaeYul smiled and linked your arms together with hers, dragging you.

You walked into the class and saw Sehun. He was with his clique. You went to your seat with TaeYul. TaeYul was assigned to be seated behind you. You two chatted for a little while more and the teacher came in. "Okai. We're just in time. Lets start class now." The Science teacher, Mrs Che placed her stuff on the table and class started.

"Since you guys are already seated in twos. Work in your pairs for this." She announced. Damn. Sehun is your pair since everyone was seated in alphabetical order. Wonder how are you going to work with him. Hes so annoying.

"Guess we'll have to work together." Sehun said. You nodded your head and took out your textbooks. "You guys need articles for this project so I will give all of you 1 week to finish this. No late submission." Mrs Che said.


Woah. Managed to be Soa's pair. Hopefully everything will be fine... "ill give you 10 minutes now to discuss and plan out everything." Mrs Che instructed. Everyone started discussing.

"Urh so both of us start searching for the articles needed then? So we dont have to cram. I hate cramming." He suggested.

"Yeah sure. I hate cramming too. So your house or mine?" Soa asked.

House? Omg... is she trying to... wait omg. What am I thinking? Stop it, Oh Sehun!

He shrugged, shaking the thoughts out of his head. "R u okai, Sehun?" Soa asked, frowning a little. "No, im fine. Urhm... house u say? Yours if u dont mind?"

"Alrights then." Soa smiled.

[A/N: lets see~~~ Soa is starting to be nice to him now since Sehun isnt the Sehun when they first met. Lets see how they go. Hope this chapter is nice. And I get lots of unfollwers. Damn... is my fanfic that bad? And my active followers, where have all of you gone? Im so sad rn... idk if I should continue after this chapter... ㅠ.ㅠ I want my lovely followers back...] (400 likes @insta to continue)

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