chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Mother drew open the curtains to let the bright sunlight shine in. It lit up the entire room, not leaving out a single spot of darkness, revealing pastel pink walls around a furnished room. "You have waited for this day long enough." Father said as you unpacked the last box of belongings you had brought. Father was leaning his back against the full length windows, folding his tanned arms. "Yeah... I hope everything goes well." you replied, giving a slight smile. "Come on, lets hug." Mother said and immediately hugged you tightly. "I cant believe you would love dance so much to actually follow your sister's footstep, Soa." Mother said softly in my ears. You nodded your head even though the real reason you came to this arts school wasnt the fact that you love to dance.

You came here to find out what happened to your sister, Seona. She is your elder sister. After 2 years of being in this exact school, she went missing. No one could contact or find her, even the police. Many said she died. But you believed she is still alive somewhere. Hanging out with her friends and sneaking out of class to party like what a normal teenager here would do. The night you and your family received the bad news, you were immediately ushered to bed even though it was only 7. Your parents had went to find her. During the weekdays, your father would search in the night while your mother searched durimg the day. Your father eventually quitted his job to find Seona together with mother. It went on like this for 4 months. Until, you decided to put on your sister's ballet shoe and danced infront of your parents. Your mother was grieving in the room as usual. You tiptoed my way in and performed in front of her. You were then sent to take classes from that day onwards. One day, you auditioned for the Korea's most elite arts school, KEAS, you got in. Its funny they said you could dance better than Seona. She had the passion while you had the talent - thats what they all said. You were more of the reading and silent type than the dancing type.

The door opened and interrupted. Mother let go of her arms. You turned. It was a girl, with wavy long hair and bangs. She wore pink ombre shorts that showed her tanned and toned legs. She greeted us before plopping down to the bed that was opposite of the room. "Hi, r u Soa's room mate?" Mother asked, taking a few steps towards her. She stared at mother for a few seconds before replying "I assume she's Soa? Yeah im staying in this room." She said while pointing towards you. Father gave you a what-exactly-is-ur-mum-tryna-do face. You shrugged, telling him you didnt know as well. Your mother was more protective of you ever since Seona was gone. Hence she would always want to know more about your friends by conversing with them. "Mother..." you trailed off. "I can handle this."


"Your mother totally integorated me like I was a criminal!" The girl laughed. You laughed along. You get it everytime when your friends came over. "I cant help it! Shes like that." You said and sat down on ur bed. Both of ur beds were facing each other. The room clearly split into half, one for each of you. "Hey, my name is TaeYul, by the way." She gave you one of her eyesmile. "You already know mine." You giggled. "Okai, ill go wash up. Go to the dance studio at 9. Thats where all new students are reporting at. Hwaiting and bye!" TaeYul smiled and went off. Shes nice, unlike her cold appearance. It was only 8 and you've got one hour. You were beat. So you lay on the bed and fell asleep unknowingly.

[A/N: omo first chapter doesnt have Luhan and Sehun! At the next chapter there will be one of their appearances. so please continue reading! And I hope you guys like and support it! ^^]

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