Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

< Kai's POV>

"Lets go." I said and pulled TaeYul by the wrist. Of course, she struggled but im stronger. So she gave up after a little while and followed me. I led her to the rooftop. A place where we had our memories. I want to recreate them with her here again.

"Why did you bring me here?" TaeYul asked, frowning a little. She still isnt comfortable being alone with me. "I told you that i wanted to spend time with you right?" I replied. "How much time? 10 minutes? 20? Lunch break is only 1 hour. Hurry up." She said, looking at her watch. "10 minutes or 1 hour isnt enough. The whole of today, tomorrow, everyday or your whole entire life would be better." I said. "Why are you being so demanding, Kim Jongin?" She said, tilting her head to the side. "You wont find it demanding as time goes by." I smirked before walking to the piano.

The piano and some other plants was only what the rooftop has. The piano was located under a small shelter that the school had built at the rooftop.

"Sing." I said as i took a seat and started playing a song that i randomly came up with on the spot. Lay taught me the basics on how to play the piano. But ive never tried making up melodies on my own, especially when all my time was devoted on dancing. "What?" TaeYul responded. I looked at her as i continued playing. She sighed before placing down the sling bag she was carrying on the piano. She walked towards me and sat next to me.

"This is not how u play the piano." She said, pushing my hands out of the way. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath before she opened her eyes again and started playing a melody. She sang along to the song.

The wind blew gently against her causing her hair to sway a little by her side, it gave off a really sophisticated yet young vibe. I examined her features close up. She looked so beautiful close up too. It has been long ever since i got this close to her. She has always distanced herself from me, usually 1 or 2 metres apart. And would never easily allow me to go beyond that. And now, she's right beside me. How can i not take a proper look at her?

"This is how you are suppose to play it." She said as she finished the last note, looking up at me to realize that i was staring. "What is there to look?" She asked. I then looked away. "If there is nothing else then ill get going." She said as she stood up. "Im not done with you yet." I pulled her wrist, making her sit back down by my side.

"Teach me how to play." I continued.

"So you called me here just to teach you piano?"

"Teaching me piano is spending time with me too. Its also clearing off your debt."

"Aish what did i get myself into." She muttured under her breath.

"Do u know any particular melody? No making up of your own." She said. "How did you know?" I asked, refering that i was making up my own melody a few moments ago. "I've never heard of such terrible melody being played on a piano before." She replied. "Ya! How is that terrible?" I scoffed. Aish. This girl. "Are you going to waste your one hour like that? Hurry up." She said.

Giving up with the matter of pride, i turned towards the piano. A particular melody? Hm... why not i play the melody that she taught me when we were together? Maybe... this would help her bring back our memories? This would be the time.

<TaeYul's POV>

Kai started playing a melody. It sounded so familiar, and heart warming. I wondered if i heard it somewhere. But i've never actually heard anyone played this melody before. How can it be familiar? Suddenly, my head started to hurt. It was subtle at first, but it got worse as Kai continued to play the piano. I shook my head, trying to shake off the pain but it was useless. The pain got unbearable and i started getting dizzy.

Kai probably noticed my behavior and stopped playing the piano. My vision started shifting and i even lost the energy to sit up on my own.

"Are you okay?" Kai said as he caught my swaying body. I winced a little before feeling better. Everything started to be normal again. "Yeah, im fine." I nodded as i pushed his hands off me. "Maybe i need water or something." I stood up, wanting to reach out for my bag when i fell back on the chair, leaning on Kai. "Ill help you." He said as he stood up to reach for my bag, with his arm supporting me. "I dont need your help." I said, trying to stand up. "Dont be stubborn at a time like this." He gently pushed me back to the chair. He handed me my bottle and i took a sip of water.

"Are you feeling better?" Kai asked, still a worried expression on his face. I nodded my head, regaining my energy to sit up on my own. "Why did your head hurt all of a sudden?" He asked. "I dont know. The melody sounded familiar and i was trying to think where i heard it from when my head started to hurt." I replied. "But what melody is this? Where did you get it from?" I asked, since it sounded so familiar. I wanted to know. Maybe it could be the reason that my head started to hurt uncontrollably too. "Do you... really want to know?" He asked, raising one of his eyebrows. "What do you mean whether i really want to know?" I asked back. Kai's question was weird.

[ A/N: and so another chapter of DOS. I decided to concentrate on XiuTaeKai first since maybe some of the Luhan-stans followers that i have are still hurt. Maybe when you guys are feeling a little better, ill start to bring Luhan back to my chapters. Unless you guys want me to kick Luhan out of this story? No right? Im sure all of you still love Luhan and would want to read Luhan fanfics. Ill be opening an one shot request box so u guys just comment on that post. Ill be more active here so ill write more. Hopefully, at least once a day ^^ Thanks for the 12.7k ♡♡ ] #dosfanfic

BTW, the one shot request box is only on my ig so go to my ig please: @exo_fanfic dont forget to follow too! ^^

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