Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

"id do anything for u to forgive me." Luhan replied. You looked away, not knowing what to say. "Im sorry for what I have done, can we be back to how we were?" He asked, holding ur arm. "But u do know that all these happened cause of u right?" You looked at him in the eye. "Yes... Of course." He sighed.

"So u wont forgive me?" He asked. For a slap? And for the embarrassment? Should he be forgiven? "W-well u took care of me and everything. The matter has probably died down now that I am not there. So yeah, ure forgiven." You said. He beamed and gave you a tight hug. "Ah. Luhan, dont squeeze me, im still recovering." His hug loosened before letting go. You raised ur eyebrows. The hug was not needed? But u couldnt care any lesser so u just gave a slight smile.

"Wait... arent u suppose to go for classes? Its Monday today...." you asked. "Ah... I took an day off for you. I wanted my apology to be sincere." He smiled at you. Woah. He has to go to that extent just for ur forgiveness? "But ur studies..." you trailed off. "Its fine~~ its only one day." He persuaded u it was nothing. One day? One day is alot. You reluctantly accepted his reason.

"Do u want to go out for a walk?" Luhan suggested. You nodded your head. You felt way way much better now. But still a little weak so a walk should be fine. He helped you up and took his jacket. He hurriedly put it on for u so u wouldnt take ur own jacket instead. You thanked him and you guys went off together.

You guys walked along the hallways. It was empty since everyone must be in class now. "Where are we going?" You asked. "We reached." Luhan announced as u guys are at the garden now. U then recalled what happened during dance on Saturday. "It just made me get attracted to u even more." He said. You looked at him confused. What is he talking about? "Ur performance. The rain was a special effect for u." Luhan smiled. Ah... that. Wait what? Get attracted to you more? O_____O

You guys then strolled around in the garden. It was peaceful. Just the way u liked it to be. There was a yellow-orange butterfly soaring over the bushes that has pinkish-purple flowers before settling down on one of the flowers. It was nice. You've always enjoyed nature. It was the most beautiful thing anyone could possibly ask for.

Luhan stood beside u as you continued admiring the butterfly. He looked at your face. You are beautiful. To him, its you. Just you. He got caught staring at you when you turned to look at him. "Owh... u-urh wanna a drink?" He asked. You nodded your head. "Wait for me at the bench." He smiled and went off. You went to the bench and sat down. The garden is such a nice place to go to.

You were looking at the ground, waiting for Luhan to come back as u played with the soil using ur feet when u heard someone. "Well~ isnt this Soa?" You looked up. A group of guys were in front of you. You froze. Who are they? You were about to speak up when they made u stand up by pulling ur wrist. "Lets go and play~~" one of the guys said.

You were the quiet type, unlike ur sister. Thats why u tend to get bullied alot. But the school u used to be in doesnt have such cases so u were fine. U were only bullied when u were alone, outside. This time, since its in school, u were scared.

"Y-ya! Let go...." you struggled under their grip, not knowing whether u should shout or not. You dont really dare. They laughed at you. "Ure so cute~ u think u can fight with me?" The guy holding ur wrist scoffed. You just furrowed ur eyebrows at him and gave up. "Lets go~" the guy said and walked ahead. You got dragged. The rest of the guys, walking behind you. Where's Luhan? Why is he taking so long? Wait. Most importantly, where are you going right now?

"W-where are w-we going?" You finally had the courage to ask. "Somewhere that we can have fun. I want u actually. How can u just arrive at this sch and get so much attention? Stupid and idiotic Luhan, do u actually like him?" the way he put it, doesnt seem like a question. You kept quiet. Well, u didnt want the attention. It was Luhan who made u have it.

"What about Sehun? U dont like him right?" He asked. O____O why is he bringing Sehun into the picture? "Talking about me?" Guess who? As if scripted, Oh Sehun apparently was in front of ur faces. Everyone stopped. Both the guy holding ur wrist and Sehun was exchanging electric stares.

"What are you doing with them?" He asked you, and gave a disgusted face as he said the word 'them'. "Why cant she be with us?" The guy pulled you closer and placed his arms at your waist. You got shocked and tried pushing him away but failed. "cause you are trash, Kim JoonBin." Sehun came to his face. Sehun then took your hand and pulled you towards him. He gave the Kim JoonBin guy a glare before walking off with u at the back.

"YA! I WOULD NEVER LET U OFF THIS EASILY!" Someone took u to the side while another pulled a punch at Sehun. That Kim JoonBin guy didnt stop!

[A/N: there~~ another chappie. Is it better? Im tryna improve tho. I got tons of unfollowers. What happened, man? ㅠ.ㅠ I love each and all of u and u do this to me by unfollowing. Anyways, a special thanks to all those who supports me, I really appreciate. I love all of you ♡♡]

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