"Hunk's right. Olkarion is a great spot to regroup and reevaluate our situation." Keith said.

"And it'll be awesome to see everyone again. I wonder what kind of technological advances they've made in the last few years. Oh, man! If they figured out a way to untangle the uncertainty principle, new precision calculations could open the doors to a flodd of innovations!"

I laughed at Pidge's excitement, "Well, the sooner ee get to Olkarion, the sooner you can tinker away with the Olkari, Pidge."

"Allura, what do you think?" Keith asked.

"Perhaps a trip to Olkarion is best." She said.

I smiled softly as we quickly headed through the galaxies and towards Olkarion.

However, when Pidge tried to get on contact with Olkarion, there was nothing but static coming from the other end.

"I'm guessing there's a delay due to our distance." Pidge guessed, "We'll probably receive their reply on the way."

"Paladins, if we want to get to Olkarion quickly, there's only one way to do it.".

We all knew what had to be done: form Voltron.

Our Lions roared as they formed their respective parts and connected to create Voltron.

"Engage wings!" Keith shouted. He and Lance thrust their bayards onto their places and created the stronger wings of Voltron.

The thrusters engaged and we flew faster towards Olkarion. All of a sudden, my heart skipped several beats, making me lose breath.

Something was wrong, and it wouldn't be good for anyone.

We stopped just a few moments later in Olkarion's galaxy.

"Welcome to Olkarion's galactic neighborhood." Lance joked, "Did we ever hear from them?"

"Actually, no, which is strange. I'll try and contact them again." Just as Pidge was about to contact the Olkari, both her and my screens flickered and out alarms beeped loudly in our ears.

The holographic map showed something large heading straight for us.

"Whoa!" Pidge exclaimed, "Something big us headed our way at an incredible speed!"

Once again, my heart skipped several beats, giving me an even worse feeling of danger than before. However, it didn't feel like the danger was close. It felt more like a terrible sense of dread and sorrow building up inside me.

"A Galra cruiser? Some kind of weapon?" Lance asked.

"Is it a Robeast?" Allura asked.

"Shield up! Zurine, can you give some extra power?" Keith asked.

"Of course." I said, changing into my moon form and supplying extra power to the shield.

We faced the direction from which the large object was coming and readied ourselves to attack. But when the asteroids parted away, the large dangerous object we thought was coming to hurt us, turned out to only be a very large creature.

"What the heck is that thing??" Lance asked surprised to see such a beast.

It's a Weblum!" Hunk exclaimed recognize,g thw creature, "Keith, look! We've veen inside of one of those!

"How could I forget?" Keith groaned from the memories.

The Weblum came closer, opening its large mouth which began to glow.

The White Lion PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now