🍀Lucky 10

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NEW Lucky Charm🍀

🍀Lucky 10


“What…… Will you do if I slap you?”

“What??? Of course I’ll slap you back…”

Why is he asked me this weird question so suddenly?

“What if…I punch you?”

“I will punch you too…”

Punch me? Of course I will punch you back...

“What if…I love you?”

“I’ll lo……”

What??? What did he say?


Tay hold my hand and said…

“New, I’m not perfect…but I can ensure you I will never slap you, punch you and even cheating on you. I never thought I’d like you this much and I never planned to have you on my mind this often.”

“Maybe it was your laugh, or your eyes, or your smile. But maybe it could’ve been your voice, or your personality, whatever it was, it made me fall for you every time I see you.”

“So if you say yes…I promise I’ll hold your hand through good and bad days. I will love you every day and protect you with my life. So New…do you want to be my boyfriend?”

Oh my God…!


“Yes New…”

“Tay…I thought you asking me to marry you…!”

“Is it too cheesy? I’m sorry…I haven’t done it for a while…”

I chuckle and look at him closely.

We just get close for few months but I feel comfortable and even mesmerized with his presence.

It’s like I’ve been repelled by him.

I always want to text him and ask him what is he doing, I want to call him just to hear his voice and ask him how is his day going, I rushed to go home because I want to have dinner together with him.

It’s like I can’t go a day without him.

He is caring, funny, handsome and…gentleman too.

Like when we ordered food earlier, I can’t believe with what he said to the waitress lady…

“Alright sir, do you want to try our Baked Salmon fish?”

“No, he doesn’t eat fish…”

“Oh, how about our deep fried chicken fillet with Singapore chili sauce?”

“No thank you, he can’t eat spicy food...”

“Very well sir…”

Tay ended up order food that’s not spicy and no fish.

“Tay…how do you know I don’t like to eat fish and I don’t eat spicy food?”

“I’ve been observing you…you never order fish dishes and I saw you put chili aside if you found chili on your dishes. Am I right?”

I nodded my head and amazed by him.

I know it is a risk to love, and what if it doesn’t work out?

But…what if it does? I don’t want to miss my chance with Tay…

“Tay…I don’t need your promises, just show me that you really like me and never cheat on me…”

“I won’t New…so, what do you say?”

He still holding my hand and the grip is getting tighter.

“Yes, I want to be your boyfriend.”

“Yes! Yes! Yes!”

Tay jumped of his seat and punching the air.

It wasn’t love at first sight, but more like “I want to be with you…”


Tay took me to grab some ice cream and we heading home. We stay at my apartment to eat the ice cream.

He knew I had a sweet tooth, that’s why he let me eat most of the ice cream.

When I’m about to scoop in for another ice cream, Tay grabbed me by the face and leaned in to kiss my lips.

“The ice cream is all over your lips…”
he said.

I was surprised, I didn’t say anything back to him but instead I took another spoon of ice cream inside my mouth again.

Tay stood up and grabbed my face to face him again.

“Now it’s dirty again, I have to clean it up for you…”

He kisses my lips gently, his fingers combed through my hair. I matched the motions of his tongue and we both stayed kiss until it naturally ended then he slowly pulled back.

“Gosh! That is the best kiss I ever had in my life!”

Now, I’m addicted to his lips and I’ll always want his kiss after my dessert.

There isn't one person in this world that I want more than I want you.


A week later

“Can you please stop smiling Newwiee? I could go blind by your glowing aura!”

“Show me his picture, I want to see who made you crazy in love like this…”

“I don’t have it…”

“You don’t have picture of your boyfriend on your phone?”

“No I don’t…”

“How about his IG or Facebook?”

“Err…I don’t have it either…”

“Whaaat??? I start to think that you are having a relationship with a ghost Newwiee…”

Dr. Earth and Dr. Namtan asked me to join them to buy latest bubble tea trend drinks after our shift done while interrogating me about Tay.

“Tell me his name…I’ll search for him…”

“His name is Tay Tawan.”

Namtan busy clicking on her phone and looking for Tay on social media.

“Hmnn…That’s so weird! I couldn’t find anyone with that name. Where’s your phone? Let’s call him…video call him now, I want to see his face…”

Namtan insist for me to video call Tay right now so she can see his face.

“I can’t…He is busy. He has meeting with some clients today…”

“Are you sure?! Or you don’t show us because he was ugly?”

“He’s not ugly!"

We went in to ATM Tea Bar and we are queuing to order some drinks from the counter while they kept asking me about my new boyfriend Tay who make me all smiley every day.

When we are queuing, we can hear a woman talking and laughing so loud from the table near where we are standing.

“Jeez…that sounds like attention seeker laugh! I hate those kind of girl…”

“That is a girly laugh…maybe you should learn from her so you can get a boyfriend Namtan…”

“So I have to laugh “hihihi…” while covering my mouth and throw little punch at you to get a boyfriend?!”

Namtan and Earth arguing like always, because Earth like to complaint about Namtan who is too tomboy for a girl.

“Aw…it’s just a suggestion…look! That guy seems to like it…”

I can’t help myself but to turn my head to look at the couple that they were talking about.

I’m looking at the girl, she looks cute and pretty…although I agree with Namtam that her laugh is a little too flirty.

“I don’t get it…what kind of guy love that kind of girl…”

“Well…that kind…”

The guy who sit beside her seems like enjoying her flirty laugh. When I look carefully at the guy, his hair style looks familiar, the way he wears the jeans jacket is the same like Tay always wearing, but the ear piercing definitely not Tay, my Tay don’t have ear piercing…

The second that guy turn his face forward, I was in shock…

“IS THAT……?!”

My feet suddenly turn to jelly, my mind went blank, I don’t have the courage to confront him like I did with Fluke…

I stare at them for a while and when the guy starts to laugh, I know for sure that is TAY!!!

I turn around and walk out from the café without turning back to answering Namtan and Earth who kept calling for my name.

It took a year for Fluke to cheated on me and now…it only took a week for Tay to cheated on me……

“I trusted you Tay! but now your words mean nothing to me! I thought you were healing me but no, you broke me even more!”

I don’t know where I’m going right now, but all I want to do is cry and scream and let it all out because this heart hurt like hell!

NEW Lucky Charm🍀Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang