🍀Lucky 13

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NEW Luvky Charm🍀

🍀Lucky 13


We drove for an hour to Chon buri, I asked Tay why are we here, he said don’t worry we almost there.

We arrive at Sri Racha area, and Tay parked his car in front of a house.

*Ding Dong

Tay rang the doorbell and soon after the door was opened by a little kid. Once he saw the person on the door he was all smiling and jumped to Tay’s arm and hug him.

“Daddy Tay!!! I miss you…!”

I was startled.

“What…??? Daddy…???”

I think I’m going to faint…

“I miss you too kiddo…Where is Grandma and Aunt Mook?”

“Aunt Mook went out to meet with some friends, Grandma is in the living room watching TV…”

We went in to the house and the elder was stood up from the sofa once she saw Tay entering the living room.

“Oh, my son Tay! Why don’t you call me before you came? I can prepare your favorite food…”

“It’s ok mom…How are you?”

“I’m good…What happened to your face Tay?!”

“Work, but don’t worry. Oh, mom I have someone that I want you to meet…”

Tay looked back at me and ask me to walk towards them.

“Mom, this is Newwiee. My boyfriend.”


I was speechless, did he just introduce me to his mom and said I’m his boyfriend???

“Hello, I’m Tay’s mom. Welcome to our home…what’s your name again?”

“Err…Newwiee, but you can call me New. Tay always call me New…It’s nice to meet you.”

Tay’s mom has a warm and beautiful smile, now I know where his smile came from.

“Are you two hungry? I will heat some food for you…”

“I’m starving mom…”

Tay’s mom head to the kitchen to prepare some food. Once she’s gone, I elbow Tay and asked him…

“Tay, why don’t you tell me you taking me to your home? I could have take a shower first…”

“Don’t worry honey…my mom is really cool.”


I sigh at him, but then I hear the kiddo from the front door come over to us.

“Daddy Tay…who is he?”

“His name is Newwiee. You can sit here with him and ask him anything, while I’m going to the kitchen to help Grandma to prepare some food.”

Tay pulled me and the kid to sit on the sofa and then leave the two of us alone.

I was helpless with Tay, but I cannot stop looking at the kid.

“Tay have a son??? is that means he use to have a girlfriend or wife? But…he said he love me…”

Aargh…I scratch my head…

“Should I ask this little guy?”

Ehem…I cough a little.

“Hi, my name is New. What’s your name?”

“My name is Frank.”

“Frank…how old are you Frank?”

“I’m 9 years old.”

“Hmn…can I ask you where is your mom Frank?”

If Tay is his Daddy, I want to know who his mom is.

“My father and mother are in heaven right now. But I have Grandma, Aunt Mook and Daddy Tay who take care of me, so I’m good now…”


So, that’s mean Tay is not his real father? And his real father and mother are dead?

It’s so sad to hear that…but he looks like a tough kid…

“Soooooo…are you going to be my Pappa?”

Frank suddenly asked me a weird question.

“What? Pappa?”

“Yes, are you? Because Daddy Tay used to say when he brings home someone, that will be my new Pappa…I guess he means a Pappa call New…”


My mind is blowing right now, how many surprises I can take for one day.

“Are you sure you are 9 years old?”

Because he doesn’t sounds like one.

“I am 9 years old…I’m going to have my birthday soon!”

Ok, he is 9 years old. A mature 9 years old.

“New…Frank…come, the food is ready!”

We are at the dining table, the food looks delicious.

“Come on dig in…I’m sorry I can only prepare these, if only Tay called me before, I will cook more dishes…”

“It’s ok mom, these are good…”

“So, New…you dress well, you don’t look like a detective. What did you do for a living?”

“I’m a doctor mam…”

“Doctor? Thank you God…finally we don’t have to be a detective or police family anymore…I should give thank’s to God…Frank, from now on you have to study hard and become a doctor like New here ok? Don’t get into fight anymore…”


Tay protest her mom.

“Of course I am! Welcome to the family New…”

“Oh thank you mam…”

“Don’t call me mam…call me Mom.”

“Whoa…easy Mom, don’t scare him like that…”

“Hush…don’t teach me how to talk to my son in law. Here, eats more New…”

Oh my God, from boyfriend to son in law…I think everything went so fast for me.

“Oh you two must be tired…finish your food quick so you can take a rest. Tomorrow let’s go to the Temple together…”

“Yes mom…”

We finish our food and then I follow Tay up stair to his bedroom.

“Welcome to my room…”

It’s clean and he don’t have that much stuff in his room. When I looked around I saw a picture of two men wearing uniform.

“That is me and my brother…my Grandpa was in the army, my dad is a police man, my brother too and finally me. My dad passed away from cancer, my brother and sister in law die in a mission.”


“That’s why my mom doesn’t want Frank to follow our step…”

“And Frank is…”

“Frank is my brother’s son. Me and my Mom took care of him after they passed away, but because my work is in Bangkok, my cousin P’Mook stays here to help me to look after my Mom and Frank.”

“Why he called you Daddy?”

“Because…I want him to feel like he still has a father figure to grow up to…even if I think I’m not the best candidate but I tried my best…”

I looked at Tay in the eyes…I knew he was different from everyone…

“Don’t you think your boyfriend is an awesome man?”

“Pfff…did you just praise yourself?”

“Come on, let’s clean up and get some sleep, we have to go to the Temple in the morning…”

“Err…Tay, you only have a single bed here…”

“Don’t worry, I will hug you so you won’t fall down.”

I’m blushing, I don’t know if I can sleep later.



“New, you look tired…how was your sleep last night?”

I’m blushing when Tay’s mom asked me how was last night after I yawn for the fifth times in the car.

“It’s…good mam…”

“I told you to call me Mom…”

“Oh, yes Mom…”

“They are talking until late of night Grandma, no wonder he still sleepy right now.”

Frank said it without expression on his face.

I startled, did he heard us making out last night??? I looked at Tay, but he just giggles behind the steering wheel.

“How do you know they were talking until late of night?”

“I can hear them from Daddy’s bedroom door…”

“What are you doing in front of your Daddy bedroom door in the middle of the night???”

“I…I…I went to the bathroom…”

“You have your own bathroom…I told you not to bother the grown up…”

“But…but…I miss Daddy and I want to spend time with him too…”

Said Frank with a sad face.

“It’s ok kiddo, we will have a quality time when I got my holiday ok?”

Tay comfort Frank who pouted his mouth, I can feel the Daddy son love on them.

We finally arrive at Wat Koh Loi temple, it’s a very beautiful Temple and it’s located in a tiny island close to Sri Racha Beach.

We follow Tay’s Mom to pray and make merit. After that Tay’s Mom spend time talking to the elder and monk in the Temple.

“New, come with me…”

Tay took me to a walk and finally we sit on the bench near the beach and looking at the sea.

“Hi…I want to introduce you to my boyfriend New…Isn’t he handsome?”

Tay was talking to the sea.

“Tay, who are you talking to?”

“My grandpa, my dad and my brother…”


“Their ashes ware scatter on the sea…I took you here because I want to introduce you to them…”


I’m speechless.

The more I know him the more I’m sure about my feeling towards him…

I looked at the open sea, stood up and gives a respectful bow to the sea.

“Nice to meet you all, I’m Newwiee, Tay’s boyfriend. I will give my best to take care of him, mom and frank. So, hope your soul are at peace.”

Tay was startle after heard what I said.

He holds my hand and pulled me down to kiss me on the lips.

“I love you New…”

"I love you too Tay..."

Credit to: @i_n_gnn

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Credit to: @i_n_gnn

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