🍀Lucky 16

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🍀NEW Lucky Charm

Lucky 16🍀


Police head quarter

“Now what should we do? Josh is not interested with Alice. I think Alice lose her charm…”

“What did you said?!”

Alice stood up and going to punch Gunsmile but Ohm grab her arm.

“Calm down everyone. We still have Jane the sister.”

Singto said.

“But that is not enough. We need to get Joss.”

“Nammon is right we need Joss, but I think we still can think of something else.”

I tried to calm everyone down.

“How about your boyfriend? I saw Joss talking to him in the Club.”

I glare at Gunsmile.

“He is out of discussion!”

“Ok…ok…plan B. Let’s break in to his house and hack his CCTV camera.”

Singto tried to cool down the tense.

“What do you need Singto?”

“Well, he has dozens of bodyguards in his house and around him. I think we can only enter his place legally, like undercover as a gardener or electric guy…”

“But we are all at the Club the other day, they might recognize us.”

“They never saw Singto…”

Everyone looking at Singto. He is not my best choice but Nammon is right, Joss and his bodyguard might recognize one of us.

“Me? Going undercover?”

*Ring ring

My phone rang, it’s from an unknown number. I usually don’t pick up a call like this, but I don’t know why I felt like I need to take this call.

“Hello…Oh honey……What did you say?! He did what?!......Tonight?! Ok, calm down. We will figure it out together. Everything’s going to be alright honey, don’t worry. I’ll see you at home. Love you…”

I hung up my phone and slam the table so hard until everyone in the room were startled.

“F*cking Sh*t…!!!”

“What happened Tay?!”


“What about him? I thought you talked to Newwiee just now…”

“Joss…he came to the hospital and asked New to have a dinner with him tonight.”


5 of them shout together.


“I told you we can use him…”

I'm flying my fist at Gunsmile but luckily Nammon, Ohm and Alice are holding me back, or else I’m going to punch him on his mouth.

“Calm down Tay! Calm down…! Gunsmile you better watch your mouth, or else it’s my fist that will land on your jaw.”

Alice try to calm us down.

“Tay, calm yourself down. I know you were worried about New, but we need to get to Joss. We need New to help us to get to Joss.”


“Tay, I promise you we all going to protect Newwiee. He is your boyfriend and you are our Captain, we will protect him like we always do to you.”

NEW Lucky Charm🍀Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon