🍀 Lucky 26

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NEW Lucky Charm🍀

🍀Lucky 26


Police head quarter Interrogations room

“Tell us your name…”


“What are you doing at that house?”


“Do you know who is the owner of that house?”


“Ok, so you’re not talking?”

“Why am I here?!” The guy finally talking.

“We just want to talk to you…”

“About what?! I didn’t do anything wrong!”

“Are you sure??? I know you work for the Black J gang…”

The man startled but he quickly put his ignorance face back.

“You and your brother are working for them. We arrested your brother last week and he agreed to give us the information about the student suppliers but today we found him beaten by his cell mate. So let me guess, you came to that house to ask your boss to help your brother…is that right?”

I pause for a while to looked at his facial expression and then continue.

“But, apparently they are too busy or should I say careless about your brother…”

The man face starts to get stiff.

“Well, what can I say…maybe your brother is not that important for them, he is disposable…they can put all the blame at him, and let him rot in jail…”


He shouting and slammed the table.

“They have to safe my brother! That f*cking bastard have to safe him or else…”

He stops, I got curious.

“Or else…?”

“I will burn their warehouse down to the ground!!!”

He know the Black J warehouse… I have to make him cooperate with us.

“I won’t do that if I were you…”

“I don’t care!!! I will f*cking burn everything, BURN!!!”

He screamed.

“You see Danai, can I call you Danai…they don’t give a damn about you brother. They leave your brother in prison and even order people to beat him up. Now they ignoring you, I will be angry too if I were you…”

I continue…

“If you burn the warehouse down, they will kill you. And if you are dead, who will save your brother??? Let’s say they don’t kill you, we (the police) …will catch you and then both of you brothers will end up in the prison with no one can help you out. From the way I see it, neither of the choices give you any benefit.”

He breath heavily, knitted his brows and clenching his fist.

“There’s only one person can help you and your brother right now……”


“Me…!!! Work with us, let’s bring them down for once and for all. We will put you and your brother under our protection once you become my inside man. I know you join the gang because you have no choice. You and your brother have to survive somehow someway after your mom passed away.”

NEW Lucky Charm🍀Where stories live. Discover now