🍀Lucky 6

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NEW Lucky Charm🍀

🍀Lucky 6



"Ok, class. I think it's all for today. Thank you for being such a good student, I'll make sure Doctor Earth gave you easier test next time."

I finished Doctor Earth class early because since Tay is not bothering me last night, I guess I can have a peaceful day off at my home today.

It's 11AM, and the sun is really hot. I think I'm going to stop by at the café near the University that I saw earlier and try some of their drinks.


"Hai welcome..."

The barista welcomes me at the counter.

"Hai, what would you like for today?"

"Hai there...I don't know...What do you suggest?"

"Well, our Coffee Macchiato is the champion here would you like to try it?"

"Sorry, I don't drink coffee...but I like chocolate..."

"Oh sure, we have chocolate signature, chocolate latte, peppermint cocoa..."


When I'm about to order a drink, I felt my hand was pulled by someone. I turned around and saw familiar face with his iconic sunglasses and jacket.

"Tay!!! What are you doing???"

"Calm down, I will explain to you..."


I think he has some magic, whatever he said to me, I listen and obey him submissively even though I don't know what's going on.

We finally stopped some few blocks from the cafe, Tay make a call to someone and then he turned around and looked at me.

I release my hand from his grip and then cross my arms on my chest and asked him.

"Tay!!! What's going on??? Why you pulled me here???"

"New, I can explain!"

"Go on" I said.

"The coffee in that café you walked in just now is not good, I have tried their coffee and it taste terrible."

"That's why you pulled me out?"

"Yes! I will take you to a good coffee place right now..."

"I don't drink coffee..."

"Huh??? Then, what are you going to order and what are you doing there? it's far from your home and hospital..."

"I'm teaching at the University near here and I was about to order their peppermint chocolate."

"Chocolate??? Well, their coffee is not good, their chocolate is worst...I will take you to a nice chocolate place right now..."

Tay was about to pulled my hand again but I stop him.

"Tay, What are you doing here? Like you said it's far from our apartment..."

"Oh...! I...I met some client around here and then I saw you walked in to that café."

"And then you just pulled me out like that?"

"I got to save you from terrible coffee..."

I looked at Tay suspiciously.

"Tay, I don't know how to say to you..."

I was about to tell him that I think he is weird and I always met him at awkward situation.

NEW Lucky Charm🍀Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ