🍀 Lucky 27

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NEW Lucky charm 🍀

🍀Lucky 27


H Hospital

"Dr Newwiee, are you going home now?"

Nurse Tham asked me while opening the door.

"Yes! I'm done for today. How about you?"

"I still have 3 hours to go. Well, see you tomorrow, Dr."

"See you tomorrow."

I waved at her and walking out the hospital to the parking area.

When I'm opening the car door, a hand was coming from my back to closed the car door back.

I turn my head to looked at the person, I was startled.

"JOSS!!! You scared me!"

He smirks and then hug me.

"Why don't you pick up my call?" He asked.

"I'm working!" I said while pushing him back, but he is taller, bigger and stronger than me, he quickly moves back towards me and hug me even tighter.

"Then why don't you reply any of my texts?"

No matter how hard I tried to pushed him, he won't move an inch.

"I'm busy! I have a lot of appointments today! Can you let me go now?"

"Nope! Let's go!" Joss let go one of his hand but his other hand pulling me by my waist to walk with him.

"Let me go! What are you doing?"

"We are going to have a date!"


I shouted, he stops his step and looked at me, I looked back at him.

I gulp because he looks so stern, SH*T what if he gets angry because I just shout at him? He's a gang leader after all.

"I'm......I'm...kind of tired......"

I tone down my voice, hopefully he won't kill me right here.


Huh??? Ok??? He's not angry???

"So you don't want to have a date with me because you are tired. What do you want to do now?"


"Sleep..." Joss smirks at me and then continues "Shall we pick up what we have left this morning? Do you want to sleep at my place or a hotel?"


"No!!! Not that sleep, I mean real sleeping at my apartment by myself!"

"So you want to do it in your apartment? Although the place it's small but I don't mind doing it there."

What is he thinking? Did he still thinking about having sex?


I let go a sigh.

"You know what, I just realize I'm not tired anymore. What do you want to do now? Playing basketball? Horse riding? Mount climbing?"

Whatever you want to do as long as you can't do anything to me and you don't come to the apartment.

"Well, since your kind of tired, let's just watch a movie so you can also relax a bit."

"Watch a movie? Sure..." I said, but wait...

"You mean we go to a movie theatre right?" I asked Joss again to make sure he didn't take me to other place like his house to watch a movie.

"Yeah..." He said.


I let go a sigh. Don't worry Newwiee, he can't do anything to you in public places.

"But I don't mind if you want to watch a movie at my place." He continues.

"No, no, no...I looove watching movie in the movie theatre."

"Ok! Let's go!" Joss pulled my waist again.

"Joss, let me go! I can walk by myself."

"You are mine now, so I will never let you go."

"Wait! I never agree to be yours!" I looked at him.

"I told you I wasn't asking." He looked back at me.

"But relationship is about two people who love each other!" I told him.

"I love you, and that's enough. You are mine now, just accept it!"

"BUT..." Before I can finish my sentence Joss stops me and said.

"Enough! Don't make me mad at you! And I don't like people shouting at me!"

I gulp my saliva.

"Cool down Newwiee, Tay said he is going to arrest him soon."


We arrive at Paragon Cineplex, and Joss still put his hands on my waist.

"Joss! Can you move your hand? People are looking at us..." I desperately asked him to let go of me.

"I don't care." He said it coldly.

"But I don't feel comfortable..."

Joss loosen up his hand, I thought I can relieve now, but after he moves his hand from my back he's hold my hand... tight.

"Joss!" I shout at him.

"G*D D*MN IT! You don't let me put my hand on your waist and now you also don't let me hold your hand?! Don't test my limits! Try to shout at me again, I swear to G*D I will kiss you and make out with you right here right now!"

Joss raise his voice on me, I was startled.

I took a deep breath and repeat the word.

"Hold yourself together Newwiee, it will end soon..."


After Joss last words, I decided to let him hold my hand because I really scared that he will do what he said earlier.

I excuse myself to the toilet when he went to buy the movie tickets. I let him choose whatever movie he wants and where to sit.

In the toilet I was hesitate took out my phone and thinking should I text Tay and tell him I'm with Joss right now.

I feel like I'm cheating on Tay, but it's actually not...but it feels like it.


Tay will get angry and can't focus on his work if I tell him now, I can manage this, and I will tell him later at night.


We are entering one of the Enigma theatre, I was surprise because of the seats...

It's a sofa bed!!! With cushion and blanket!!!

"Come on! We sit in the middle!"

Joss pulled me to our seats and push me down to sit.

"Hai sir, this is some appetizers and drinks for you. Can I get you anything else?"

The bartender looking at both of us.

Joss looked at me and asked.

"Do you want anything else... BABY?"


The bartender guy eyes widen I bet he did not expect to see a guy like Joss will call a guy like me BABY.

WHAT THE...!!!

I almost shout at him again, but I remember the last time I shout at him, he threatening to kiss and even make out with me in public.

I'm holding my breath and chug down the cocktail in front of me.

"Another glass of this please." I said to the shocked bartender.

"Oh...right away sir." He took the empty glass and walked in hurry.

Joss just looking at me with his smirk and say nothing.

As the final preview came on, we automatically stood up and after the short preview faded out the words "Long live the King." I looked around and realise there is no other people around.

"Where is everybody? Are we the only people here?" I asked.

"There won't be anybody here, because I booked the whole theatre." Joss answered coldly.

WHAT THE...?!!!

I almost shout and curse... again!!!!

Luckily the drink come in time, so I sipping the drinks to stop me from the urge to shout at him.


The movie Joss choose is a romantic movie, I didn't expect a gang leader like him can choose this kind of movie. I guess even bad people have a soft spot.

While we seat back, the large size sofa, puffy cushions and soft blanket does give my body a comfortable feeling but inside, I was anxious and nervous.

Why? Because Joss seats next to me and tried to make me lay on his arm.

I kept on sipping the drinks so I don't have to lay down on his arm.

After half of the movie and my third drink is finished, I told Joss I'm going to the toilet again.

When I stood up I kind of lose my balance, maybe because of the pressure sitting next to Joss made my head dizzy.

The bartender was at the door asking me if I need anything, so I told him I want another drink and then walked to the toilet.

I purposely walk slower and rub every part of my finger and hands when I washed my hands to kill the germ and the time.

When I walked back, the bartender was holding my drink and asked me again if I need anything else, so I asked him how much time left for the movie to end, he was confused but he still manage to answer me it's 30 minutes left.

"30 minutes to go Newwiee, you can do it!"

I nodded my head and grab the glass his holding and chug all down in one go.

"Did you get lost on the way back here?" Joss asked me with a sarcasm face after I seat on the sofa.

I don't feel like arguing with him right now because my head is dizzy right now. So I just smiled at him and then moved my head to the screen to continue watching the movie.

When the couple on the movie move from a lovey dovey to romantic and finally to erotic scene, I felt my body is getting hot and I got dizzier.

"Are you ok?" Joss came closer and put his arm on my shoulder when he saw me holding my head.

"My heads..."

"Baby, you are drunk..."

"What?! How can I get drunk by drinking a mocktails?" I said to Joss.

"Can't you tell the different? you've been drinking a cocktails!"

You mean I just had 4 glass of cocktail?!!!

I just told myself not to drink alcohol when Joss around but now...

I can't help but to curse "F*CK!!!"

After the words came out I looked at Joss, he grinning his teeth and fixed his eyes on me.

Did I say it out loud just now?!

Before I can think of anything else Joss pulled me and pin me down on the sofa bed and kiss me harshly.


Joss holding both of my hands on one of his hand while his other hand start pulling my shirt up and stroking every inch of my body and then playing with my nipple.

I struggling to push him trying to free myself from his touch, the glass is falling from the table, the cushion was flying to the ground, but instead of stopping, Joss got even more aggressive.

His rough lips and hot tongue inside my mouth made me out of breath.

Joss moved his lips down to my neck, I can finally gasp for some air to breath, but before I know his lips and tongue was already start licking my nipple.

The alcohol made my body sensitive and before I know, I was reacting to Joss's touch.

I'm biting my lower lips, because I almost called out Tay's name.

"Stop! Joss, please stop!" I'm begging him but he's not stopping.

Suddenly I heard another sound of glass falling and a sound of someone saying

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

It's the bartender, he must be shocked looking at us.

"Joss!!! Stop!!!"

" Please stop!!!"

"I'm begging you please stop!"

My voice starts to get husky.

Joss raise his head to looked at me, a tears coming down from my eyes.

He loosened his grip and tried to wipe my tears.

I brushed his hand and punch him on the face and then run out from the cinema.

I will tell Tay I love him but I'm sorry that I can't help him with his case anymore.

Because I can't be with Joss even for a second!

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