15: If it was you I wonder what we could be

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"I'll bring you home, it's late," Joohyun argues with her younger sister who scoffs. "No way, I don't need you to act as if you care for me," Jisoo says back and Joohyun looks upset.

"Don't play the older sister now that I'm all grown up," Jisoo speaks with upsetness in her voice. "I'm just trying to help you."

"Well, I didn't ask for your help did I?" Jisoo scoffs as she crosses the street without checking twice.

There's a headlight.

"Hey!" Joohyun's voice rings in her ear. Jisoo closes her eyes.

She barely misses the car that breaks in front of her and only because Joohyun had pushed her out of the way. Her older sister, on the other hand, had fallen badly. The orange car's driver steps out of the car immediately and Jisoo's heart is palpitating. "Joohyun-Unnie?" She calls out and Irene is in very obvious pain.

"Hey, stop freaking out. I'll be fine, head home." Joohyun says with a smile at the younger girl panicking. She's not helping the situation and she tries to calm herself down."Sir, could you bring us to the nearest hospital?" Jisoo stutters and the man nods without thinking twice.

"Unnie?" Jisoo calls out. Joohyun looks at her sister brightly, "Yeah?"

"Who do I call for help?" Jisoo asks sputtering on her question. "I mean you can always call me if you're comfortable with talking to me, I'll always be here to listen," Joohyun says and Jisoo scrunches her eyebrows.

"I mean help for you." Jisoo clarifies and Joohyun shakes her head. "Don't tell dad or mom about this," Joohyun says with a smile and Jisoo just nods."Okay.."

Jisoo feels guilt fills her brain, she doesn't know what to do. The man in the orange car brings them to the hospital quickly. He also seems panicked.

Joohyun, on the other hand, is clutching onto Jisoo's hand and looks uncomfortable.

When they're at the hospital the doctor mentions Joohyun can't move around freely up until the next month at least.

"What? But I have big auditions in two weeks," Joohyun says anxiously and Jisoo's eyes widen. She bites her lip trying not to cry. Joohyun turns to the younger girl, "I'm sorry," Jisoo whispers.

She sighs softly, "Sooya, I'll be okay. I always have the next year.."

"But your program ends before next year," Jisoo says and Joohyun is happy her sister knew about her gap year program.

Joohyun smiles brightly, "I'll see how I'll deal with it."

Jisoo with her bitter pride slowly crippling only sighs.


"Why don't you just tell her?" Lisa mutters after listening to the story.

"Jennie is a nice girl, but she cracks under pressure. She knows what she's doing and wants to continue to know what she's doing, but every now and then someone comes along and messes that up. I'm not going to be that person, no matter how bad it's going to hurt me because that girl only deserves to smile." Jisoo mutters.

Lisa watches the older girl who was sleeping on the couch next to her bed.

She felt horrible for her friend. Everything was great for her recently but it seemed as if though her luck had run out. She sighs softly as she thinks what she could possibly do.

She takes out her phone and there's hesitance. If she did this, could she confirm that it would work?

She knows she can't. Lisa bites her lip as she looks at the notification on her phone, not bothering to open them.

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