"We're here to win!" Amethyst shouted. Circo nodded and Jasper chuckled, "You two were fated to lose – the moment you came out wrong and the moment you reformed yourself." She gestured to Amethyst and Circo accordingly. I gritted my teeth and looked at Steven. He nodded and we both rushed out towards Circo and Amethyst, Steven saying, "That's not true!"

"Rose and Lucine," Jasper said, looking at Steven and I. She smirked and said, " Of course. Your lackeys never stray far. And why would they? They have no place in this, or any world!"

"What do you mean?" I asked, annoyed. Jasper grinned wickedly, "Every gem is made for a purpose – to serve the order of the Diamonds. Those who cannot fit inside this order must be purged! To come out misshapen, to reshape yourself outside your purpose, and to defend this ruined, worthless planet is a disgrace!"

"This planet isn't all bad!" We all heard. We both turned and saw Onyx and Peridot stepping out from where they were. Peridot gasped and ducked behind the rock wall. Onyx was too scared to move. Jasper narrowed her eyes at them and said, "What are you two doing here?"

Onyx swallowed and Peridot came out from the wall. The two glanced at each other, before shouting, "We're....we're Crystal Gems now!"

Without saying a word, Jasper summoned her helmet and glared at Onyx and Peridot. Onyx flinched and Peridot shouted, "I'm not afraid of you! I've got metal powers! I'll show you!"

Peridot moved her hands up towards a metal pole that was sticking out from a cave a ledge above her. She concentrated on it but it wouldn't budge. Steven and I glanced nervously at one another and Amethyst groaned. Jasper glared at Onyx and said, "What? You want to try something, runt?"

Onyx flinched but summoned a dagger. She charged at Jasper, dashing past Circo, Amethyst, Steven and I. Amber came out from behind the wall and shouted, "NO!"

But it was too late. Onyx reached Jasper and, faster then any one of us could see, Jasper head butted Onyx and sent her flying into the wall. She dropped her dagger and fell to the ground, not moving. Amber rushed towards her, placing a hand on her back and checking her gem. Jasper looked around and asked, "Anybody else got something to say?"

"No! It's just us," I said. But Amethyst shouted, "Guys! Stay out of this!"

Amethyst picked up Steven and threw him back. Circo lifted an arm and a wall of fire erupted from the ground in front of me. I yelped in shock and stumbled back next to Steven. The fire died down and the two looked at Jasper. Circo gripped his sword tightly as Amethyst said, "It's just you, me and Circo, Jasper. One on two!"

She whipped her whip at Jasper, smacking her in the face. Circo charged and swung his sword, causing Jasper to barely dodge it. Amethyst took her chance to take another whip out from her gem and hit Jasper with both. Jasper flew back into the wall and I smiled as Steven said, "Go Amethyst and Circo!"

"Who's the runts now?!" Circo shouted, smirking. But Jasper got down from the wall and stared down at the two of them, unfazed. Amethyst's face faltered as she said, "You ready for more?"

She whipped Jasper again but Jasper looked back at them, again unfazed. Circo flinched and said, "Th-There's more where that came from!"

He charged but Jasper grabbed Circo's wrists and threw him back by Amethyst. Amethyst kept whipping Jasper but Jasper was not bother by her attacks. Amethyst growled and whipped her whips, causing the purple spikes to appear at the end. She looked at Circo and said, "Light them up."

He nodded and lit Amethyst's whips on fire. Amethyst took a deep breath and and jumped, spinning into a spin-dash attack. She charged at Jasper and there was an explosion of smoke. I raised an arm to brace myself from the wind and smoke. When it cleared, I looked up and saw Amethyst and Circo sitting on the ground, both coughing. They both looked up and gasped. Jasper was standing over them, with only a few scratches on her. She dusted off the dirt on her and said, "Is it sinking in yet?"

Child of the MoonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant