Where Your Meant to Be

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Raphael stopped struggling against his dad and stood up straight, giving Amana an even stare. He looked at Amos and said, "Next time, bro."

He turned away from everybody and went back to his motorcycle. Akaash sighed and said, "I don't know where that water came from but I don't think you were responsible for that, Luna."

I didn't say anything and curled my right hand into a fist, hiding my gem. I nodded and Akaash stood up, "Well, I better be going. The boys and I need to get some rest after a long day today. I'm glad to see your doing well, Amana."

"Likewise," Amana said, though she sounded a bit skeptical. Akaash turned away from the group and said, "Oh, by the way Amos."

He looked over his shoulder at him and said, "My offer still stands if you ever want to take it up."

Amos' arm dropped and he stared at his father with a torn look. But Akaash didn't seem effected by it and turned away. He walked back to his motorcycle and led the group out of the car wash. When they finally all left, Amana let out a breath and said, "Oh thank goodness he's gone."

"What the heck was all of that?!" Steven shouted. Amana, Amos and I turned to see a confused Steven and a scared Connie. Amana rushed over to Connie and hugged her, who hugged Amana back, not saying anything. Amos sighed and said, "That was my dad and my brother. Things...aren't the best between us and them."

"And this is why I wanted you home early every night," Amana said, looking at Amos. "He's been driving around the city non-stop looking for you. Tonight was his last night in town but now that he found you, he's going to stay longer."

Amos smiled a little but it faded when he asked, "Does that mean Raphael is staying in town too?"

Amana sighed and said, "Wherever your father goes, he's right behind him following." Amana turned to me and said, "What you've done tonight could possibly put yourself into more danger, Luna. Raphael has a temper that can not always be in check."

"I'm a crystal gem, ma'am," I said. "I'm always in danger. Trust me, Raphael won't be able to touch me unless he wants a mouth full of water."

Amana didn't respond but nodded. Amos looked at me in worry and I looked at him. "Amos, I'm fine. You brother should be the one whose worried," I assured. He shook his head though. Just then, a car quickly pulled up in the driveway of the car wash and the door opened. Connie's mom jumped out and rushed towards Connie and Amana. Amana moved as Connie's mom hugged Connie tightly. "Are you okay, Connie? Your uncle didn't do anything, did he?" She asked.

Connie shook her head. "Luna and Amos took care of him," She said. Connie's mom snapped her head towards us and I flinched. She walked right up to me and stared down at me. I kept my gaze but eventually looked away, feeling too nervous to look back at her. She placed both her hands on my shoulders and, without a word, pulled me in for a hug. I stood in shock but she said, "I'm sorry if my brother said anything that offended you."

"Wait your brother?" I said, stepping back. She nodded and said, "He's my younger brother. He's always been....complicated."

I nodded and Amana said, "I think we all should be heading home. It's been a long day and we all need rest."

"Agreed," Connie's mom said. She motioned for Connie to come to the car and Connie followed. She stopped to say goodbye to Steven and she stopped when she walked up to me. "I thought you were very brave, Luna," Connie said.

I smiled and ruffled her hair, saying, "Thanks. You get some rest okay?"

She giggles and nodded. She went to the car and climbed into the back. The car pulled away from the car wash and drove away. Amana looked at Amos and said, "Why don't you give Luna and Steven a ride home, Amos?"

Child of the Moonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن