"That was five letters!" Steven protested. I sighed and continued, "Bloodstone told him to back off and Kevin challenged them to a dance off. But Kevin cheated and kicked them in the head."

"What?!" Amos said, shocked. "You didn't tell me that part!"

"I might've left out that detail for good reason," I muttered. Steven looked at his dad and said, "He didn't even care about how we felt—At all!"

Mr. Greg sighed and said, "I had no idea that happened. I'm really sorry. That guy, he's not even worth the time of day. Don't even give him the satisfaction of thinking about him."

"Thanks Mr. Universe," Connie said. Steven didn't say anything and I looked up at Amos, seeing a dark look on his face too. I sighed. Something told me things weren't going to be calm for long.

-Time Skip-

"Are you thinking about Kevin?" I asked, looking at Amos. He nodded, sighing. "I just can't believe he kicked you," He said.

"Technically he kicked Bloodstone but still," I said. "I'm okay now. You don't have to worry."

"I just want to put Kevin in his place," Amos explained. He sat on his motorcycle and said, "From the way he acts, it seems he always gets his way. I hate those kinds of people. The kind where they think their better then you because their in favor of someone else or are in a better position then you."

Something told me he wasn't just talking about Kevin anymore but I didn't say anything. Then an idea came to mind. "Maybe we can put him in his place," I said, smiling. Amos looked at me with a confused look. I explained, "Kevin mentioned that there was a race this evening. Maybe we can beat him in it."

"Can't," Amos said, sighing. "My mom wants me back in time for dinner. She's been getting more and more strict lately. I'm not sure why but she doesn't want me out late."

"Come on, we don't even have to go as Amos and Luna," I suggested. He blinked in surprise and asked, "Are you asking what I think your asking?"

I smiled and raised my hand, the one with my moonstone on it. "Come on. I think it's time for Kevin to meet a good friend of ours," I said.

-Lumos' POV-

We drove the motorcycle down the road, following close behind Stevonnie. Steven and Connie had the same idea as Luna and Amos and fused. When we all realized what we did, we decided to take the Dondai and Amos' motorcycle. I smiled, feeling the wind rush past us as we drove. It's amazing how well I can drive this motorcycle for the first time like this. The again, Amos has driven this thing for a long time. Not much of a shock there. Stevonnie slowed down and pulled into an off road parking lot. We pulled up next to them and turned the engine off.

We took off our helmet and said at the same time as Stevonnie, "We'll race you."

Kevin looked at Stevonnie and I in confusion. Renaldo rolled his scooter up to us, an excited look on his face. "Is that a 96' Supremo?" He asked Stevonnie.

They grew a little nervous and said, "Uh... I think it's a Dondai?"

"A Supremo IS a Dondai!"

"Wow. Really?"

Renaldo grew a serious look and said, "Are you saying you don't know the true power of the Supremo?"

I quickly walked over and slung an arm over Stevonnie's shoulders. "Of course they know! They weren't expecting to be quizzed on their car so soon," I said quickly. Stevonnie gave me a thankful smile and I returned it.

"Ha! That's why I knew those brats at the car wash -- they're you! Your whole "two kids in a beautiful trench coat" routine won't fool me this time, so don't even try it!" Kevin said, recognizing Stevonnie. I glared at Kevin and Stevonnie said, "You don't know what you're talking about. I'll show you what I'm made of when I beat you at this race!"

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