"Wait what?" He asked confused. "Are you okay?"

I shook my head, unable to speak. The two men turned and looked at us. The man with the black sunglasses removed his sunglasses, revealing dark, warm eyes. He grinned widely and shouted, "Greg!"

"Jericho?!" Greg said, shocked. Jericho ran up to my dad and gave him a big hug. He lifted him off the ground and laughed heartily. "Oh man! It's so good to see you! It's been so long!" He said, putting Greg down. Greg stared at Jericho, eyes still wide with shock. But a big grin on his face, "I can't believe your here and alive!"

"Why wouldn't I be alive?" He said, chuckling. Greg's face dropped and he said, "You...don't know?"

Jericho raised an eyebrow and finally turned to our group. His eyes scanned everybody and then they finally fell on me. His face paled and his smile vanished. His eyes widen and he stared at me. He slowly walked towards me, not saying anything. Amos' grip on my hand tightened as the man stood in front of me. He knelt down in front of me and stared me right in the eyes. Tears were falling from his eyes as he whispered, "Lulu? Is that really you?"

My vision swirled and faded as I tried to nod. But everything went black as I muttered, "Hi dad."

-Time skip!-

I came to what felt like seconds later but actually looked like had been a while. I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling of Mr. Greg's van. I sat up and realized that the doors were closed but I could still hear voices. I crawled to the door and listened in.

"Jericho, you seriously didn't bother looking for your own daughter?!" Greg asked, shocked.

"I thought she died! All I found when I got home that day was a torn up backpack and a wrecked house. I thought she was gone forever....like her mother," Jericho said, his voice growing quiet.

I felt my heart stop. He...gave up hope on me? He never even bothered to look for me? I pressed my back to the wall of the van, pulling my knees to my chest. Hot tears rolled down my cheeks as I rested my head on my knees. All this time, I had hoped my dad would come find me. I had hoped, even if it was small, that he was alive and out there. But he didn't think I was alive, and he didn't even try. I heard the door to the van and looked up as it open. Thankfully, it was Amos. He looked startled when he saw me sitting where I was.

"Your awake," He said, smiling. "I'll go tell the others."

"Why bother telling my dad?" I muttered. Amos stopped and looked up at me. He crawled over and sat next to me, saying, "I'm guessing you heard the conversation?"

I nodded, "How can he just...give up on me? I never did for him. Sure, I could've done more to find him. But when your always being hunted because of what your mom was and how your her daughter, it's difficult."

"Look, I'm not saying you should be mad at him," Amos said. "But you got to understand, he lost your mom and you. It must've broken him."

I sighed and muttered, "He never lost us."

Amos sighed and took one of my hands. "It'll be okay," He said, giving me a reassuring smile. I smiled a little and leaned my head on his shoulder. "I hope so," I said.

"Amos!" We both heard. We looked up as Greg poked his head in. His eyes widen a little at the sight of us but then he smiled. "If you wanted a moment, you could've asked," He said, raising a suggestive eyebrow.

Amos chuckled and I rolled my eyes. We both got out of the van and I looked up at my dad. He smiled awkwardly at me, saying, "Hey...Lulu. You feeling okay?"

"Fine," I said. I looked around and noticed that Steven, Circo, and Sour Cream weren't here. "Where'd everybody go?"

"Sour Cream and the rest went down to the beach to set up for the concert," Greg said. "If we all head down their now, we should be there a little early."

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