Wherever she goes, I hope she's okay.

-Time skip (again)-

"Are you sure you wanna stay? You could always come back to the temple with us and live in the bathroom again," Steven asked Peridot. Peridot and Onyx has both decided to stay at the barn. Peridot was lounging on the tractor while Onyx was using her daggers as darts against the barn wall that wasn't destroyed. "And you can stay with Astra and Sora under the porch if you want," I suggested to Onyx.

Onyx threw a dagger and it hit the barn wall, staying in place. She sighed and said, "As much as I love those two birds, I can't stay underneath the porch forever."

"Besides, we've grown accustomed to this place," Peridot said. "And I should probably fix the hole that I made with my giant robot."

Steven and I looked over at the broken wall and chuckled. "Mm, okay! Well, have fun redecorating!" Steven said, as we walked out. Mr. Greg had just finished closing the trunk doors of the van. Circo was standing outside of the van with him and turned to us as we approached.

"Well, that's everything... and then some. Steven, you guys ready to go home?" Mr. Greg asked. Garnet poked her head out of the window and said, "All seat belts are fastened!"

"Peridot and Onyx said their staying," I said, glancing back at the barn. Circo nodded and said, "Eh, it's probably for the best. I don't think they would've fit in the van."

"We'll catch up with you guys later. Steven needs to find lion and I'm staying to help," I commented. Circo sighed and said, "I'll stay and help you guys. It's not easy finding that pink cat."

Greg nodded and said as he got into the van, "Sure, o-okay, I'll see you three in a bit."

"Make sure to drop Amos off first," I shouted. "His mom is probably worried."

Mr. Greg nodded started driving off, leaving Circo, Steven and I at the barn. I looked at Steven and said, "Which way do you think he went?"

Steven shrugged his shoulders, saying, "I'm not sure. Let's start by just calling him. Hopefully he'll come." Soon, all three of us were calling for Lion. But to no avail. We all started walking along towards the edge of the barn property near the silo. As we walked, Steven shouted, " You can't hide from me too long because you love me soooo much!" I giggled and looked up at the silo. Something sitting on top of it made me stop and squint.

Sitting on the roof, was Lapis.

"Lapis?!" I said, shocked. I summoned my wings and nearly shot up the silo, but somebody grabbed my ankle, pulling back down to the ground. I glared up at Circo, but he shook his head, pointing at Steven who was giving me a worried look. He shook his head and said, "Take it easy on her. I know your happy she's back, but remember how hard it is for her to be here."

I blinked and said, "Since when did you become so mature?"

Steven chuckled and started walking towards the silo's ladder. I looked at Circo and he said, "I'll take the ladder." I smiled and nodded. As the two took the ladder up the silo, I slowly flew up to the top of the silo. I landed next to Lapis and we sat in silence for a moment, knowing the other was there but not saying anything. Finally, I sighed and said, "I thought you left?"

"I was leaving, then I realized I've got nowhere to go. Who knows what they would do to me back home after what I did to Jasper? I can't go back to Homeworld and I can't stay here," Lapis said, pulling her knees up tighter to her chest. From behind us we heard, "Sure you can!"

We both turned and saw Steven walking over the lip of the silo roof along with Circo. Steven managed to slide down and sit next to Lapis while Circo managed to sit next to me. Once Steven was seated next to Lapis, he said, "You can totally stay here, it doesn't have to be here here. You can live anywhere! You don't have to stay in Beach City if you don't want to. You could live in Surf City or Sea City, Aqua Town, Bayburgh, and that's just the places I know of off the top of my head. We could show you around."

Child of the MoonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora