Chapter 26 BATMAN

Start from the beginning

"Let's go in here," I said.

"Why is it that more girls wear my type of clothes than guys?" Louis said. Instead of answering, I made Liam push me into the store.

It turned out the store was really big supporter of the boys because they had several racks of t-shirts and the radio in the store was blaring Live While We're Young.

I bobbed my head along to the music until the end of the chorus, because I had never heard this song before.

"Tonight let's what? What did it just say?" I asked, kind of disbelieving that those were the words.

"Let's get some, are you deaf or something?" Zayn asked jokingly.

"Get some what?" was all I asked

"Food." was apparently the right answer, coming from Niall. I rolled my eyes and went back

to shopping. I could still feel the sugar.

We continued looking around the store until I spotted some bras in the back. I told Liam to roll me back there and he reluctantly did.

"These would make really nice sun glasses." I said, holding a black bra up to my face so it covered my eyes.

"Put it away," Louis said.

"No. I'm a bra fly! Bzzzzz" I said and shook my head around a little with the bra still over my face.

"Please don't be weird," Niall pleaded.

I took the bra off my face. "Fine, no bra fly. But I know what you will like."

I giggled and tied the bra around the top of my head so the two cup parts were sticking up like ears.

"Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na BATMAN!"

"Oh my gosh," Liam said and face-palmed.

"Take it off!" Zayn yelled.

"There's a place down town, where the freaks all come around, it a hole in the wall, it's a dirty free for all. When they, turn me on, when they take it off. Everybody take it off!" I sang. I actually don't even know how I know the words to that song.

"Stop the music!" Harry said, covering his ears.

I did a little dance in my chair and started singing again. "Please don't stop the music! I wanna take you away, let's escape into the music DJ let it play!" I would've sang the rest of it, but Louis slapped a hand over my mouth.

"People are staring!" he whisper-yelled. He dropped his hand and I took advantage of the situation.

"Your stare was holding, ripped jeans skin was showing, hot night night wind was blowing," I sang and he started walking away. "Where you think you're going, baby?"

"Bianca, shut up!" Niall said.

I looked at him in surprise. "Do not tell a lady to shut up, Niall. It is very rude."

"I can't believe we had enough faith in you to give you Pixie Stix again," Liam said.

"Well I guess it would be nice, if I could touch your body!" I sang and stuck out my arm to run my had down Harry's stomach. "Because I gotta have faith! I gotta have faith, the faith, the faith! I gotta have faith, the faith, the faith!" I finished.

"We're leaving," Zayn said, leading the boys towards the door.

"Wait! At least let me get a t-shirt with your faces on it!" I pleaded.

They all grumbled and complained, but still agreed, so I snapped my fingers and pointed to the t-shirt racks. Liam grabbed the back of my chair and rolled me to the shirts. I spent a few minutes looking through them until I found the perfect shirt.

It really wasn't all that special, it just had each of them together on it, but it looked really awesome.

I grabbed the shirt and directed Liam towards the cashier's desk, snagging a huge white bra off one of the racks on the way. I paid for my stuff and left the store.

Since my leg was in a cast and I could try almost nothing on, we just decided to go home after we went to a pet store to get Squishy a few toys and some food and treats.


New chapter!! I'm SOOOO sorry for not updating in forever!! We've been really busy with school and stuff. And I definitely care about school. -_-

But I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I kinda ran out of ideas...

My inspiration just kinda went dry...

That's just what's been going on...

Holy crap

I'm torn

This is the greatest moment of my life.


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