Chapter 32: Breaking Point Part Two

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Riley's POV:

After my fight with my Dad, I didn't know what to do. He tried to snap my neck but I stopped it. I learned a special move while I was in prison. It's a wya to incapacitate someone by twisting their head a certain way and it would knock them out. But you had to be careful. If the twist goes even slightly too far, it could kill them. Luckily, I did it to myself. I was unconscious for about thirty minutes before I came too. I looked around in a daze and saw everyone all crying. "Daddy!!" Someone screamed. I looked over to see Rina and Riley running towards me. They hugged me.

"What...what happened?" I asked, curiously. "Riley!!" Mom cried. I saw everyone struggling to break free. When they did, they ran over for me. "Riley we thought you were dead." Andre said, helping me up. "No. I just...I just used a move I learned in prison. I was only knocked out." I said. I looked around and saw my Dad laying down in his own pool of blood. "The hell happened to him?" I asked, curiously. "Brodrick. He killed Andrew because he wouldn't shut up." Keisha said. I shook my head and blew a breath. "I'm guessing Dad was more of a pawn to Brodrick." I said. I looked around some more. "Where's Angel? And Brodrick?" I asked, curiously.

"Brodrick took her away. I think they're going back to Barcelona." Kacey said. "A psychic THINKS they're -" Kacey cut Tristan off. "Look I don't know how, but me and Andre didn't see any of this coming. Brodrick must've been playing in our blind spots." She said. "So that's how all this happened." I said. She nodded. "Yes. But I can't see if Brodrick is taking Angel Barcelona or not. He's changing his mind too quickly." She said. "Yeah I'm only getting glimpses." Andre said. "Maybe that's how he's playing in your blind spots." Keisha said. "Either way, we need to find them." I said. I looked down at the twins.

"Riley, Rina, you guys been around Brodrick more. Do you know how he thinks?" I asked, curiously. They stared at me. Then their eyes became slanted, like a cat's. The way Angel's eyes used to do when she was pissed. They then transformed into a wolves and ran off. I transformed into a dragon and followed them. We all did. It was confusing as they sniffed the ground and then took off running without warning. They ran fast. I will admit, I had a hard time catching up with them. They took us to the airport. Then they transformed and ran in. We all did the same. I looked around and saw blue hair.

"Angel?" I called. She turned around. So did Brodrick. He then pulled out a gun and shot at me. I ducked it. People started screaming and clamoring. "Brodrick don't do this." Kacey called out. I peeked my her up to see Brodrick with his arm wrapped tightly around Angel's neck. The twins tried to sneak around him but he saw. Then he shot at Riley. She cried out in pain and clutch her leg. Angel and I screamed. Angel then transformed and bit down on his neck. Brodrick shot her multiple times but she wasn't stopping. I quickly ran over and transformed. I grabbed Brodrick's arms and began to claw at them. I tore his limbs off. He began to choke on his own blood.

Me and Angel transformed and watched as he began to bleed out. Then he smirked and cackled at us. "Oh Angel!! I just wanted you to love. Was that really too much to ask? We could've started a family of our own." He said. Then he died. I looked at Angel. She had a stone look on her face. "Riley are you okay?" Kacey asked. We ran over to her. Riley sobbed. "Mama it hurts!!!" She cried. "I know baby. We're gonna take you to the hospital." Angel said. Then the Magic Council appeared. Angel and I froze. "For heaven's sake." They said. They stalked towards us. "Riley, Angel, look at all this calamity. Look at all this destruction." Michael said.

"It's not our fault." I said. "Oh. Then whose fault is it?" Agatha asked. We turned around and looked at Brodrick's bloody corpse. "It's his. He kidnapped Angel, held her and the twins hostage, then kidnapped all of us, took Angel away, and then we had a showdown." I said. Angel picked Riley up. "Look I'd love to stay and clean up this mess but my baby is bleeding." She said. Then Angel froze. I looked over to see Robert using his powers. "Not so fast. Angel. Riley. Don't you two see? This is one of the many reasons why magical beings of different species aren't allowed to date. It ends in disaster." He said. "Look we didn't know things would end this way." I said.

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