Chapter 30: Start Over

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Riley's POV:

After Ally blatantly disrespected Angel and my kids, Angel quickly put her ass in check. I was going to but Angel beat me to it. I didn't talk to Ally all night or morning. I was so mad at her. "Riley?" She called. I ignored her and walked around her to the fridge. "Are you seriously mad at me?" She asked. I glanced at her but I didn't say anything. I walked away from her. "Damn it Riley!!" She cried. "What do you want me to say Ally?! Your fucking acting like you don't want Angel and my kids here." I said. "Cause I don't. I mean how do we know they're even yours? You know her type of people always say some dude is the father when really it's someone else's." She said, crossing her arms.

No she didn't. "Her type of people?" I repeated. "Yes. Her type of people. People of her background." She said. I cannot believe what I'm hearing. Ally then looked at something behind me. I turned around to see the twins. They stared at us. "He-Hey Riley. Rina." I said. It felt so weird calling my daughters by my name and my sister's name. They gave me a small wave. "You guys hungry?" I asked, walking over to them. They nodded. "Um, where's Mama?" I asked. They pointed to the stairs. "Sleep." One said. I looked at them. They were so identical. "Umm okay. Uh, which one is Riley and which one is Rina?" I asked. They pointed themselves out. "Okay Rina. I'm gonna give you a flower. It's gonna help me tell you two apart." I said.

I looked around and saw the roses I have Ally for our anniversary last month. "Uh Riley. Those are mine." She said. I ignored her. "Okay Rina. This is your rose." I said. I looked at Riley. She was staring down at her hands. I took another Rose and picked up a blue sharpie. I colored the rose. "Okay Riley. This one is yours." I said, handing it to her. She took it without looking at me. "Riley you okay?" I asked. She nodded. "I'm fine. I'm just shy." She said, in a high voice. "Well you don't need to be shy. I'm your Dad." I said. She looked at me. "I'm not good with people. Mama always talks for me." She said. "Oh okay. Well I can do that." I said. I looked around. "So you girls said you were hungry. How bout we make pancakes?" I said.

"We don't know how." Rina said. "I'll teach you." I said. I heard Ally mutter something. I clenched my fist to keep from spazzing on her. I moved the twins over to the counter. "Okay. So we're gonna make pancakes. Do y'all want blueberries or chocolate chips?" I asked. "Blueberries." Rina said. "Chocolate chips." Riley said. They looked at each other. "Umm we're having blueberries." Rina said. "No. We're having chocolate chips." Riley said. They glared at each other. Then they both raised their hands and used their powers. The lights flickered. I heard electricity surges through the walls. Then thunder. "Okay okay. How bout we make both?" I said, worriedly.

They then smiled. Note to self: do not let them fight each other. The twins helped me make the pancakes. "Umm how much flour do I put in?" Riley asked. "Look at the book. Fill it up to that much." I said. "The pancakes are getting fluffy. I like fluffy." Rina said, excitedly. I looked over at Ally. She was sitting down on the laptop. Aw man. Now I feel bad. She'll get over it. "Um Daddy?" Riley called. I looked at her. My heart swelled when she called me that. "The chocolate chips. They fell." She said, sadly. "That's alright. We got plenty more." I said, as I pulled more out of the cabinet. "Rina how's the pancakes? Are you flipping them?" I asked, looking at her. She wanted to man the stove but I was worried about that.

She said Angel always let her when she was cooking. Still, I stayed nearby and kept my eye on her. "I got this one!!" She cried, as she flipped pancakes. "Hey!! I wanna flip them!!" Riley cried. She got down from the counter. "Okay you two. Trade places." I said. I picked up Riley and put her near the stove. I picked up Rina and put her on the countertop. "Okay. Blueberries." She said. The she paused and looked over at me. "Mama look!! We're making pancakes." She said. I turned around to see Angel staring at us. She came over to us. "I see. Good job." She said, kissing her cheek. "Mama look!! I'm flipping the pancakes." Riley said. "I see." Angel said. "Daddy said we could make pancakes." Rina said.

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