Chapter 29: Home

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Angel's POV:

I watched as the twins were having their heads closed up. The doctors just got done taking the chops out their heads. Me and Riley talked while the surgery was happening. "Angel tell me something...did you record the birth?" He asked. I looked at him. "I did. It's a memento." I said. I pulled out my phone and went through the gallery. Then I showed him the video. "Why are you in wolf form?" He asked. That's how wolves give birth. It's easier than pushing out a baby through a small hole." I said. I could hear the video playing. My howls, the bloods splattering, everything. I looked at Riley. He had a stone look on his face.

"How are you not disgusted?" I asked. He looked at me. "I've seen my Mom give birth twice and seen Kacey give birth. I've also seen my grandmother skinny dip once so nothing comes close as disgusting as that." He said. "Your Mom had another kid? Oh and Kacey gave birth?" I asked, excitedly. He nodded. "Yup. I now have a little brother and Kacey has a son." He said. "Awww. I wanna see them." I said. He looked at me. "You don't wanna meet Ryan." He said. "Whose that?" I asked, curiously. "My little brother. He's a sneaky little bastard." He said. "That's not nice." I said. "Neither is he." He said. "Well whose Kacey's son?" I asked, curiously.

He pulled out his phone and showed me. "See? That's Ryan and that's Kyle." He said. "Oh wow. Kyle has a lot of hair." I said. "Yeah he got that from Andre." He said. "Who got what from me?" Asked a voice. We turned to the Andre, Kacey, and Keisha walk in the room. "I was just telling Angel that Kyle got his hair from you." Riley said. Andre nodded. "I can't help it. I got Native American in me." He said. They sat down next to us. "So Angel how has things been for you wherever you and Brodrick were?" Kacey asked. I chuckled. "We were in California and terrible. He's made my life hell." I said. "Y'all were in California?" Riley asked. I nodded.

"What you watching Riley?" Andre asked. "Angel giving birth." He said. "Ewww let me see." Andre said, as he took my phone. Him and Kacey watched the video. "Oh my God it looks like it hurts." Kacey said. "It's childbirth. Of course it's gonna hurt." I said. I looked at the twins. "But they're both healthy and well so I thankful for that." I said. "Speaking of being thankful, Angel you coming to Thanksgiving with us?" Andre asked. "Uhhh I don't know yet. I do want the girls to still go to school and live a happier life." I said. "So why not transfer them?" Riley asked. "Guys one thing at a time." I said. I watched as the doctors brought the twins to another room. They injected them with medicine to help them feel better.

We all left the hospital and went to Riley's old house. His Mom greeted us at the door. She grinned when she seen me. "Oh Angel it's so good seeing you again." She said, as she hugged me. "It's good seeing you too." I said. She looked at the twins. "So how did the surgery go?" She asked. "Good. The doctors got rid of those chips." I said. I walked in the door and over to the living room. I laid the twins down on the couch. "They look so much like you and Riley." Alison said. "I know. They started out looking like me then as they grew, they became a mixture of me and Riley." I said. "Angel." Kacey called. I looked at her. She looked behind her. I saw the Magic Council standing there.

"Angel. Your back." Agatha said, as she approached me. I got defensive and stood over the twins. "I am." I said. Robert and Michael looked at the twins. Michael raised his hands and I got growled. "Angel relax. I mean them no harm." He said. Then the twins woke up. They looked around. "Mama are we staying here?" Rina asked. "No baby." I said. They both looked at the Magic Council and came over to my legs. "Who are they?" Riley asked. "Their the Magic Council. Their the leaders of our Magic world." I said. "What are their names Angel?" Agatha asked. "This is Riley. This is Rina." I said, pointing them out. "Angel you do realize we have to test them, see if they truly two different species." Robert said.

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