Chapter 13 : Dinner Party

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Angel's POV:

"Angel!!" Dad called. "I'm on my way. I just putting my makeup on." I yelled. "For what? You ain't looking cute for nobody!!" He yelled. "Kacey!!" I yelled. He got quiet. I smirked. "Girl!!! Hang hurry up!!" He yelled. I laughed. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked good. I started twerking a bit before the door opened. "Angel?" Keisha said. I jumped. "Damn Keisha. Can you knock?" I hissed. She rolled her eyes. "Girl anyways. Kacey said she'd be outside in Andre's car. He's picking you up." She said. "Your not coming?" I asked. "I am....with my boyfriend." She said. "His bum ass..." I muttered. "Say what?" She said, loudly. "Nothing!!" I yelled. I grabbed my purse and walked out the room and downstairs.

I looked around and saw the whole pack all dressed up

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I looked around and saw the whole pack all dressed up. I smiled. "Did the Magic Council ever say what the dinner party was about?" Luna asked. Alpha shook his head. "No. They just invited us." He said. I heard a car horn. "Oh there go my ride." I said. "Wait uh uh. Who you riding with?" Dad asked. "Kacey." I replied. "Mmhm." He said. I ran out the house. "Meet y'all there!" I yelled, over my shoulder. I ran up to Andre's car. Riley was in the front seat. Andre, in the driver's seat, and Kacey was in the back. I got in back with her. "Okay Angel. Look at you!!" Kacey said. I blushed. "Oh my gosh stop. Look at you. You look better than me." I said, boasting her. The boys groaned. "What's wrong with y'all?" I asked. "Girls always talking about nonsense." Andre said. Riley made a noise, agreeing with him. "Fuck y'all." I said. Andre drove around til he came to a house. "Oh my gosh it's so big and lovely." I said. There was a lots of cars there. We parked and ran inside. Everything was so beautiful. "Oh my stars. This is so amazing." Kacey said. We started taking pictures. I looked at Riley. I noticed he was quiet.

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