Chapter 3: Mate

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Angel's POV:

I woke up to sunlight beaming in my face. I turned away. I sat up and rubbed my face. I looked at my phone. I woke up before my alarm went off. Normally, I would go back to sleep but I looked at my phone. My screensaver was a picture of me and Brodrick. The event from yesterday came back to me. He's gone to Spain. I sighed and laid back down. I tried to drift off to sleep but my emotions prevented me from doing that. Instead, I got up and got ready for school. I walked downstairs and saw my parents already up. "Hey baby. How you feeling?" Mama asked. "Miserable." I said. "You'll get over it babygirl." Dad said, kissing my forehead. He walked out the door. I looked at the table. "What, no breakfast?" I asked. "Angel, I got a promotion at work." Mama said. "Oh congratulations." I said, hugging her. "Yeah well that means I have to be at work early. So I can't cook breakfast anymore." She said. I frowned but perked up. "It's fine. We can always eat breakfast at school." I said.

Keisha then came downstairs and to the kitchen. She opened the fridge door and searched through it. "You can't speak?" Mama asked. Keisha looked at us. "Hi." She said, in a sour tone. "Keisha." Alpha growled. Uh oh. That's your cue to leave. "Well I gotta meet Kacey. Goodbye." I said. I quickly ran out the house and to my car. I drove off towards school. I pulled up and immediately saw Kacey. She was standing by her car on the phone. I pulled up next to her. I got out and walked up to her. "Hey Kacey." I said. "Bye Dad. Love you too." She said, then she hung up. She crossed her arms. "What?" I asked. "Your still upset over Brodrick." She said. I nodded. I felt a lump in my throat. I hugged Kacey. She held me. "Look Angel, I have an idea." She said. She walked us away to the cafeteria. "What is it?" I asked, curiously. We sat down at a table. "Your not gonna like it but trust me, it's gonna help a lot." She said. "What is it?" I asked, again. "Okay, come lunch, we'll skip school." She said. "What? Kacey hell no." I said. "Look Angel, your upset. Trust me when I say this will help you." She said.

"No Kacey." I said, lowly. She stared at me. She sighed. "Angel, what's one day of absence gonna do?" She asked. I thought about it. "Angel come on love. Let loose. Stop being such a goody two shoes all the time." She said. She grabbed my hands. "Fine." I siad. She squealed and clapped. "Great. This is gonna be good. I promise." She said. "Did you have a vision?" I asked, curiously. "That's the thing. I couldn't have one. I don't know why though. But I just got a feeling that this'll be good for you." She said. "Well as long as your there with me." I said. We ate some breakfast then went to class. The day was boring. I couldn't focus on anything but Brodrick. When it came time to for lunch, me and Kacey went to our cars. "So where are we going?" I asked, curiously. "Shopping!!" She said. I smiled and shook my head. "I love you so much." I said, as I pulled out the parking lot. She drove in front of me.

We drove all the way to the mall. We shopped at Forever 21, FashionNova, and Rainbow. It was a good day. We put our stuff in our cars. "Oh my God Kacey. I must admit that was pretty fun." I said. "There's one more thing to do." She said. "Oh and what is that?" I asked, curiously. "We're gonna go put into the woods." She said. I stared at her. "Bitch what?" I said. She laughed. "No Angel. There's this house that's abandoned in the woods and I wanna go see it. My brother told me it's amazing." She said. "Forget it." I said, getting in the car. "Angel!!" She called. "Kacey no." I said. "Why not?" She asked. "Because. Abandoned houses spell trouble. Haven't you seen those horror movies? And besides, I'm black. The black persons always dies first." I said. She rolled her eyes. "Your not gonna die. Besides I don't think anyone else would be out there so your not gonna die." She said. "Ghosts can possess you and make you kill yourself." I said.

"No they can't. Stop watching so much scary stuff on YouTube." She said. "Their interesting!!" I hissed. "Just come on. I don't wanna go by myself." She said. I looked at her. "Fine. When you hear of me getting kidnapped and sold into sex trafficking, it's on you." She said, walking back to her car. I sighed. "Okay fine." I said. She squealed. "But only because I love you so much." I said. She grinned and drove off. I followed her to the park. We got out and walked towards the woods. I looked around. "You sure about this?" I asked, curiously. Kacey nodded. "Oh yeah." She said. "How where we know where it is?" I asked. My brother gave me directions on where to find the house." She said. "Okay. That makes me feel batter." I said, sarcastically. "Would you stop? We're gonna be fine. Besides your a wolf. You can fight anyone who tries to attack us." She said. I nodded. We walked into the woods until we found a bridge. "Think it leads to the house?" I asked. "I don't know. My brother didn't say anything about a bridge." She said. "Just in case, let's follow it." I said. We did.

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