Chapter 11 : Secret

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Angel's POV:

After Riley's little comeback for breaking up with me, I've been in such a better mood. We left from the boys locker room and back to the cafeteria. We ate breakfast with the rest of our crew. Keisha was suspicious of what happened between us. I never told her that me and Riley hooked up while in Barcelona. She grew increasingly suspicious of us every time we were near each other. I wanted to tell her but me and Riley wanted to keep our relationship a secret. Only Kacey and Andre knew, mostly because they're both psychics and could see what we did. As we all sat outside during lunch, Keisha kept asking me questions. "So say Brodrick were to turn up unexpectedly, how would you greet him?" She asked. Out the corner of my eye, I seen Riley look at me. "I would greet him like a normal person." I said, not looking at her. "So Angel when did you and Riley show ol dude your project?" Andre asked. "Earlier." I said.

"Yeah he wasn't thrilled that I managed to complete the project but now I can graduate." Riley said, smirking. "So what did y'all do in Barcelona?" Keisha asked. I rolled my eyes. "Keisha how many times you gon ask that question?" Kacey asked. "As many times until Angel gives me the real answer." She said. I growled and left to the bathroom. Keisha chased after me. "Yo, come on now. Tell me." She said. "Nothing happened during our trip." I cried. "Mmhm bitch you know I don't believe you." She said. "Why is this such a big deal?" I asked, curiously. "Because I wanna be nosey. And because y'all acting suspicious." She said. "Whose acting suspicious? We didn't-" she cut me off. "Bro, I'm not dumb. I see how he looks at you. I see how he makes you feel." She said. I stuttered. She mocked me. I grew silent. She gasped. "Something did happen." She said. I caved in. "Okay fine. Yes something happened." I said. She squealed. "Ooh bitch tell me." She said. I told her everything me and Riley did together.

"OMG. You gonna tell-" I cut her off. "I'm gonna tell him. And he's just gonna have to get over it." I said. "Wow. Two different species dating. That's big. And your gonna get in trouble if someone finds out." She said. "No one is gonna find out. It'll be our little secret." I said, walking out the bathroom. She squealed. "So back to that pussy eating shit....was it good?" She asked. I blushed hard and looked away. "Yasssss bitch!!" She screamed, grabbing everyone's attention. Riley, Andre, and Kacey looked at us. "Yassss Angel!!!" Keisha yelled. I blushed harder and walked quickly. I grabbed my bag and walked away. "Nah come here. We got lots to talk about." Keisha said. "Oh my God Keisha shut up fat ass up!!" I said, covering my face. I walked to my next class. She followed me. "So his tongue was magic huh?" She asked, smirking. I used my hoodies to cover my face. She laughed. "Aight. We gon y'all after school." She said. I walked into the girl's locker room and changed.

I know it wasn't time yet but I came here early. I sat in the room til the bell rung. Kacey came in and walked over to me. She crossed her arms. "So you told Keisha?" She asked. "She wouldn't stop bugging me. Plus, I'm pretty sure she just outed me in front of the whole school." I said. She laughed. "No. No one knows what she was talking about...aside from me and Andre." She said. I groaned. We walked out to the gym and did our class routine. When school ended, I walked to my car. I looked at my phone to see a text from Brodrick. I rolled my eyes. I may have deleted his number but he still has mine and I still have to get a new phone. I got in my car and turned it on. Then someone banged on my window. I jumped and screamed. It was just Riley. He laughed and opened the door. "That's not funny!! You don't scare a black person. That's how you die." I said. He chuckled. "Andre told me the same thing, yet I'm still breathing." He said.

I shook my head. "What was up with Keisha earlier?" He asked. I gave him a look. "What do you think?" I asked. He stared at me. "You told her about us?" He asked. "She wouldn't leave me alone. Plus she embarrassed me." I said, turning away from him. "Angel I told you. It's nothing to be embarrassed about." He said. "It is to me. I never done any of that." I said, blushing. He scoffed. "Oh God. Your too much of a goody goody to do anything dirty." He said. I glared at him. "Nun uh. I once came home at seven o clock once when I was supposed to come home earlier than that." I said. He stared at me before laughing. "Bye Riley." I said, turning the car on. "Okay okay. I'll stop." He said. He tried to sit in my lap. "Riley come on!! You too damn big!!" I said. "And your tiny so shut up." He said. He kissed me. I smiled. He kept giving me kisses. "Riley I gotta get home." I said. "Your pack is still gonna be there. Why does it matter what time you get home?" He asked.

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