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"I don't know." She said unsure.

"Lapis, they won't do anything. Sure they might be a bit mad and over protective but I won't let them hurt you as long as I'm there. I promise."

"Promise?" She said.

"It means you mean what you say or you'll do whatever you promise, no matter what." He said.

Lapis was unsure. She would be going near the gem that had kept her trapped for thousands of years. But there was another part of her that wanted to follow Steven. The only one that showed her true kindness in all that time.

"Fine... I'll go." She said.

"Thank you." Steven said as he ran and hugged her. Lapis didn't know what to do. She just stood there with a small blush on her face.

When the two opened the door to the beach house the first thing they saw beside the hole in the wall was the three gems and older hybrid sitting in the living room waiting for them.

"Have a seat." Garnet said.

Steven sat down on the loft of his room.

"I think I'll stand." Lapis said.

Quasar in a hologram projector in the table decided to start. "Alright then, we have a few questions for you."

"The biggest being, what are your intentions as of now." Pearl asked.

"Well I was going to and go back to Homeworld. But then Steven convinced me to stay." Lapis said with her arms crossed.

"How did you get in the mirror?" Garnet asked.

Lapis sighed. "I was doing my job... terraforming the earth for the colony. But I was caught in a battle between the rebels and Homeworld. I tried to escape, but one of the Crystal gems hit me in my gem. From there I was discovered by Homeworld. They thought I was a rebel and tried to interrogate me. When they realized they weren't going to get any answers they put me in the mirror. Which is the other reason I decided not to go back." She summarized.

Then she looked at the gems. "Now I want some things answered from you." She said.

"What do you want to know." Will asked.

"First off, what are you two." She said pointing at Quasar and Will. "Your way to tall to be a human. And I've never seen anything like you."

"I'm a gem hybrid like Steven and as for my stature well let's just say... I'm a special case. And as for by friend Quasar, he is an artificial intelligence. Basically a computerized human." Will explained.

"Except I witness time at 200 times slower and I can make trillions of calculations a second." Quasar said with a grin.

Lapis seemed to ponder this for a second before she looked up at them." What do you plan to do with me." She said skeptically.

"We were saying something about that while you and Steman were on the beach." Amyhtest said.

"And we have come to a decision. Lapis we have a proposition for you." Garnet said.

Lapis narrowed her eyes. "What might that be." She said.

"Well, since we don't exactly trust you and were short on numbers we came up with a solution." Will said.

"You, Lapis Lazuli, join the Crystal gems." Quasar said.

Lapis looked stunned. "Why would I want to join your little 'club'." She said.

"You don't really have a choice." Pearl said.

"It's either that, or we keep you a prisoner." Garnet said.

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