"What a ring, Keith this is beautiful." Allura said happily, "Although, I would've liked to have a warning before you proposed to my little sister."

Keith smiled and chuckled nervously scratching the back of his head, "Sorry, Allura, but I really wanted it to be a surprise and let as few people know about it as I could."

Allura nodded and hugged me again, "So, how did he propose? Where did you two go?"

I smiled and blushed at the memory, "He took me to a nice hill and we sat under the stars. He told me how he had been so happy with me, then he got on one knee and proposed." I explained.

"Wow, a proposal under the stars. Nice job, Keith." Lance praised, "I declared my love to Allura next to a tree."

"You finally did it?" I asked, "That's great. You two look happy."

Lance and Allura looked at each other and smiled, the Blue Paladin wrapping his arm around Allura's shoulders.

We talked for hours as we cruised through the stars, talking about what would, no, what will happen after this mission.

Hunk was ecstatic about our engagement and declared himself the official caterer for the wedding. Of course Keith and I were happy to let him.

Pidge wanted to plan the wedding herself, but after some convincing, we dulled her planning to a few pieces of the wedding.

I loved the fact that everyone was happy for us, and I was excited for that day to finally come.

But this mission came first. After a while, we decided to rest until we found any sign of the Galra.

I went to my room and lay down to sleep, but a sudden feeling erutped in my chest.

It was warm, warm enough to lull me to sleep. I closed my eyes, embracing the warmth, and when I opened my eyes again, I was standing in front of my people and the White Lion of Oriande.

I was confused as to why I was here, "White Lion, why am I here?" I asked.

"Child, there is something you must know before facing the Galra." The Lion said, "You must understand that the Dark One is not something on the physical plain. It is something created from inside a creature."

"I don't understand." I said.

"Perhaps it would be best if I explained it from the beginning."

My people disappeared and the lion and I were left alone. I sat on the nonexistent floor and the lion lay on their stomach.

I sat silently, listening intently as the lion explained everything from the beginning.

"The universe since the beginning has always had hardships and achievements. The first created were Apollo, Yue and Sirius. Beings I suspect that you have already met. But with their light came great darkness. There were people who were envious of these beings, wanting their power for their own. Inside them grew a dark quintessence. Something that cannot be destroyed without destroying the holder of it. We have since the discovery of this darkness have labeled creatures consumed by it, The Dark One."

"So the Dark One is this dark quintessence?" I asked. The Lion nodded.

"Yes child. It takes much for the dark quintessence to take over, but even though it is unlikely, it is very possible for someone to be consumed by this darkness. Lotor was comsumed by this dark quintessence when he grew hungry for the power of the quintessence field. However, that was only a small portion of the Dark One, inherited by his mother Honvera."

"I sensed the Dark One in Honvera when she entered Oriande." I said.

"Honvera, fueled by her want and powerdul desire to learn the secrets of quintessence, and the sudden exposure to so much quintessence, gave the Dark One enough force to take her over along with Zarkon."

"So all of her terrible deeds, and Zarkon' corruption, was all because of the Dark One taking them over?"

"Yes. Emperor Zarkon and his wife, Honvera, died the day they entered rift of quintessence on Daibazaal. However, there are some remnants of the old Altean and Galra inside of them. The Dark One has many ways to corrupt all creatures in the universe, but there are some things it cannot reach. On instinct, a creature will subconsciously protect a piece of their mind, storing away their most preciosu memories. For Honvera, her memories of her family and the life she thought she would have is locked away from the dark quintessence. That is the only chance of bringing Honvera back to the light."

"But how can we do that? We don't know anything about reaching deep into the minds of others."

"It is not the matter of knowing how, it is neing able to see the path towards the locked away memories. A path that only you can see."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Your powers are nore than you realize. With a single word, your powers can create worlds. With a touch of your hand you can heal any ailment, cure any disease and bring life to even the most desolate wastelands."

"So, basically I'm like a god?"

"In a way, yes. But with your powers comes great risks. If you over use your abilities your body won't be able to handle it and you body will go into a deep sleep for a time. Depending on how much of your power, you may sleep for only a night or for years. Heed my warning, Zurine, the universe is delicate, and with you unlocking your powers and growing stronger everyday, you may become a target yet again."

I sat in shock, thinking over the words the Lion had told me. I could create worlds with a single word? I could be treated as a god? How is this possible?

"I understand that you are overwhelmed by this information, but I needed to tell you before you engaged Honvera in combat."

I shook my head and looked back up at the lion smiling, "No, it was good that you told me this. Now that I know what we're up against, I'll be able to help a lot more and aave even more lives. But, how can I do any of the things you've explained?"

"All you need to do is wish for it. Your desires will trigger your powers and they shall do what you command."

I nodded as the lion slowly faded, and my people finally reappeared.

I stood up and faced my people, smiling softly and proudly at their happy faces.

"I thank you for waiting for so long, but I must ask you to wait a little longer. After the universe is freed from the Galra, I shall bring all of you home and take my place on the throne. As future Queen of Arisa I make this vow: To bring all of my people home!"

My people cheered and celebrated shouting their excitement and their hopeful cries for my safety during our journey.

I was surrounded by the children, gently hugging them as my vision faded to black.

This was a turning point in this war, and I was going to use it to best of my capabilities.

The White Lion PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora