Anthony, Riley, and Sam shot as many walkers as they could as Bob landed right in the back of the truck. He screamed in pain as he grabbed his ankle, which looked like it twisted. “LET’S GO” Sam shouted, as Anthony climbed back into the truck and pulled out, and they drove off.

                   They drove towards Rick and his group. Rick, Daryl, Beatrice, and Jane squeezed into the front as Carlos and Fred jumped into the back. Anthony then pressed on the pedal, and the group drove off. The herd started following, but they were to slow to keep up.

                   Tyler and Kate walked along a barren road with leaves blowing all over the place. Tyler took his jacket off and placed it on Kate, who was freezing. “We’ve got to be catching up to them soon” Tyler said, as they could see the town approaching. “They’re around here somewhere” said Kate, but as she started looking around, Tyler said “Get down”, and pulled her into the bushes.

                   A large blue truck was approaching, and they didn’t want to risk meeting a new enemy. They looked at the truck pass, and saw a few strange people, Bob, Riley, and Sam. “Oh my god” said Tyler, running out. “GUYS, STOP.”

                      Sam spotted them, and knocked on the window, and Anthony pulled over. “Oh my god” Anthony said, as he saw Tyler and Kate. He and Sam ran to them and gave them quick hugs, as the others watched. “I’m so happy you’re here”, Kate said, before running to Riley and Bob. “What happened?” she asked as she saw Riley putting ice on Bob’s leg. “I had to jump off a roof to get into the truck” Bob said. “But, I’m fine.”

                        Tyler looked at Rick and Daryl and asked “Who are you?” “Friends” Anthony said. “Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon.” “Thanks for helping them” said Tyler. “Our pleasure” said Rick. “Let’s take you guys back to the warehouse” said Bob. “We need to get the meds to Carly.” “What’s wrong with her?” said Anthony. “She’s sick” said Kate, jumping into of the truck with Tyler. Anthony looked at Rick who said “You need to tell your group.” “I know” said Anthony, getting into the car, and they all drove off.

                        Anthony pulled into the warehouse after getting directions from Tyler and they all jumped out. They walked in and could hear Carly’s coughing from a distance. “They need to get here soon” David’s voice said. “You don’t think they’re gone, right?” Quinn’s voice asked. “No” said William. “They’re alive.”

                       They turned a corner and saw the entire group standing around. Ted raised his hatchet as Ian raised a shotgun, but they dropped them when they saw the entire group. “Anthony” said William. “You’re here.” “How’d you find them?” Ted asked Bob, who was leaning against Tyler. “It was luck” Bob said.

                       Ian then raised his gun, seeing Rick and his group. “Who’re they?” he asked. “They helped save us” said Riley. “They’re friends.” “Thank you for helping them” said William, taking the meds from Kate. He gave them to Carly, who seemed better after taking them.

                      They cooked a nice meal as Bob lied in a nearby office on a desk. Anthony didn’t seem to want to speak as they all ate food, drank and enjoyed themselves. “We need to head out” Rick said, standing up. “We need to get back to our group.” “Here” William said, giving them a bag of supplies. “This should last about two weeks.” “Thank you” Rick said, taking the bag.

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