Unruly and Heartless

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From: Anonymous

Have you ever had a relationship where you are so committed but to him but he is not because he still likes his crush? I certainly have experienced that. My ex was one of those douches that dates somebody just for the sake of dating them. How can you do that to a person? That's probably going to become one of the main reasons that you are going to be alone for the rest of your life.

Who is this guy i am talking about though? Well, do not label me as incest or anything like that but, we are cousins? Distant relatives i may say? Because he is my brother's cousin or second cousin it seems because his mom and my brother's dad are cousins, their family has always been confusing because there are too many of them. You remember Julius and Diane? That's my ex's family, so it goes into one big circle. Anyway, aside from all that bullshit, i dated Julius' nephew in a way. Are we related? HELL NO, not by one bit, i have NOTHING to do with their family in any way, the only thing that's making me related to them is my brother because we have the same mother, that's it honestly and if you take my brother out of the equation, then i completely have nothing to do with these people. Their blood is different, their faces are different and you name everything into account. So whatever people may say that i dated my own cousin? Your point is invalid because we are not even related by a single bit, the only chain that connects us is my brother because we have the same mother like i said twice now.

So... Why did i date this guy you may ask? I dont know, i guess now that i am older and i can clearly justify my actions from five years ago, is because it was love because we shared the same interests and none of his other family members can relate to me you can say. I been told by one of Julius' family members that this guy, we will call him Pat (that's not his real name btw) he loves games and anime just like i do. I was like that's cool! When can i meet him? And eventually i met him because his cousin Annjay was on a vacation. Annjay was from Northern California and we live in the south. She brought her baby Garrett along to meet us and then she met me. Me and her talked alot when she was here and we got along pretty well.

Now, when i met Pat, he seemed like a nice guy, i told him about my interests and he told his too, we clicked! So we started hanging out more, even more when he found out we go to the same college together, and we would always talk about a lot of stuff related to our interests. Later on in a few months, Pat started to tell me he wants to come to his uncle's house and stay the night, i asked my mom and she said sure because Julius didn't have a problem with it either.

It became so frequent that people thought we were dating. I was slowly but surely developing some form of feelings for him. Me and Pat went to malls and window shopped alot, and we would eat together in the college cafeteria. I added him on facebook because he asked me if i have one, and he posted the pictures of us together wearing the clothes we tried on at guess. He put a caption that was so gangster i cannot even remember what it said. To put in appropriate terms he was saying "hey this is my cousin! im happy to meet her" and of course like any typical family people thought i was his girlfriend. Pat told me alot about him, he was a bipolar / schizophrenic person, he cannot sleep naturally on his own as he takes meds for that. he can stay asleep for up to 15 hours a day. Is he a morning person? Definitely not. Was he a person who loves to go out alot? Hell no. I was lucky enough to invite him to a fourth of july party for the first time for him to meet my friends.

It was one random moment when Pat tried to tell me about this girl that he liked that lives in the Netherlands and how he is trying to fit his sleep schedule with her so he can game together with her. They both played Elsword together back when the game was still in it's prime. I saw her on his facebook posts alot so he told me about her how he likes her and all that. I asked him if he wanted to date her, he said he doesnt have a chance because she has someone else that time. But Pat fantasized over here for a good while, talking to her like he is clingy, touchy and blushy.

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