Locked Out and Denied

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From: Anonymous

Note: this is not promoting abuse in any way but this is still a real story. I just wanted to clarify that.

You remember those days when we all just went out of the house and play with friends everyday? Those were fun times... It was fun except the part of me coming home sometimes and i will tell you the story why.

I have friends who live like close to me, like really close, to the point where our homes can be connected if we all wanted to. We would all go out and hangout with each other everyday or play which is typical for normal kids. My grandparents though, especially my grandma did not like this at all and my aunt never did too. They know as soon as near afternoon hits around 9 or 10 am on weekends i would hit the gates and go outside and i won't be back until dawn or a little before dawn. I never really cared because i thought she really didn't mind, she didn't say anything about it until one day.

My grandpa had the habit of going out for fresh air while I'm away from home. Normally i would come home from lunch in the afternoon and sometimes come back out after finishing my meal if my friends are still there. There was this one day where my grandpa did go out like usual and then he locked me out of the house. I was coming home for lunch when this happened so i was surprised, i tried banging on the gate but nobody came for me, i tried to open the gates by reaching the other side i couldnt because it needed too be opened on the other side after unchaining the bottom. I was stuck there for an hour just knocking on the gate. During that time i honestly thought i was officially homeless and they did not want to let me in. I was already very pissed off so i grabbed some heavy rock and i started smashing the gate hoping someday will hear me, i was getting ready to break the gate when my aunt opened it and she was very upset. She told me "this is what you get for going out so much, why can't you just stay put at home? Next time we will for real lock you out and you will be homeless. I wont answer the door for you next time so remember that." I didnt say anything but i was mostly upset. Like i get it you are worried that something may happen to me outside but you didn't have to lock me out! That keep thinking i have no intentions of coming home anymore and I'll just stay outside forever so they thought it was right to just lock me out. When i got inside my grandma told me the same thing and she was upset. I was thinking maybe she would at least apologize to me or my grandfather would but all i got were lectures. It was my grandpa's fault in the first place but they get mad at me instead. Thats right, blame it on the kid.

The next time was worse. It was another normal day and i went to a friend's house, we spent time with each other all day and the next thing i knew it was dark outside and as i was getting ready to go home, my friend's mom called me saying your grandma's calling you to come home, i said ok I'll be right there to meet her and i thanked her for having me for today. After i went out of the door i saw my grandma in the distance holding a big stick, the one she uses to take the clothes out from the clothesline with hangers since she can't reach like i do.

She was carrying that and i went near her, as soon as i got near she started beating me up with the stick and told me "you ungrateful kid, you never learn huh? What if i just kick you out of the house now? You can come live with your friends and you won't ever have to bother me with this nonsense." And she just continued to hit me with it until she took all her anger out on me or she was satisfied. She never even let me talk nor apologize for trying to come home late. I wanted to tell her it wasn't on purpose. I had red marks all over my thighs and legs because of her hitting me and i was in a lot of pain. I didn't have any broken bones though and I didn't tell my friend what happened that night nor my mom on the phone because i didn't want to worry them, but i felt abused during that night. My grandma never apologized for hitting me, she thought it was just right to do it to me because in her eyes i was being a bad girl. I felt disrespected and abused.

My grandma does the same to our pets too if they piss her off, get in her way or annoy her with all their barks and meows. We had cats and dogs for pets back then. She would hit or kick them if they cross a certain line of her temper or patience but she would never beat them to death. She never neglected any of the pets either like not giving them food or constantly hurting them. Its only when they piss her off or annoy her.

Now that I'm an adult and looking back at it, i could have turned my grandma in to the authorities or sentenced her to jail because she was hitting me for no good reason. I never did anything morally wrong to her. A slipper would be alright but a wooden stick is not. But i chose not to put her behind bars because she was all i had. My aunt was not going to take care of me because she hates kids. I felt like she could do worse because she threatened to beat me up before if i dont ever listen to her.

She would always say if she was the one taking care of me she would not let me go out at all to play with my friends and i will just constantly be studying or reading books.

I reflected on this now that I'm older that i will never treat my kids that way or my nieces or nephews because i have morals, my family doesn't. People who lack morals get karma almost instantly.

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