Unfaithfulness With no Form of Closure

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From: Eriana

It all started with a friend request. Clearly to this day I still remember what happened. My wounds are fully healed but my scars are real. Online relationships should never be treated as a joke, no matter how you put it. A relationship is still a relationship no matter how far apart you are from each other and what social media platform you use. The only difference is, it requires further trust, effort, attention and courage to be in one.

My story will give you a very important lesson today. You have a choice whether you want to read this or not. Do not feel pity for me, I did not come this far just to get attention. Let my story be known, maybe it could shine some light for somebody.

The whole ordeal started when i was a roleplayer in facebook. In it's early days facebook was known for it, people having fake profiles and using pictures of anime characters? It was never uncommon. Almost everyone I knew that was in my friends list did it. Out of the blue there was this guy who has been messaging me, his name was Kier.

Kier is a nice dude, he was very friendly, never mistaken him for doing anything bad, i was dating somebody before him and then we started talking. We were normal friends before that, we have a lot in common, including animes that we watched. Sometimes we would not talk to each other for days sometimes months or weeks but he would always make the effort of trying to contact me. I thought it was weird but i gotten so used to it after a while.

Things took an odd turn in our friendship when my ex left me because of our distance. He was in UK and i was in the US. He said he just can't keep doing it. I was obviously heartbroken, but there was nothing i could do about it. Thats another story i would want to tell maybe in the future.

Kier started talking to me after that while ordeal asking if i am alright and telling me it will be okay i will find somebody else one day. Normal stuff to tell a friend right? But after that we got closer to each other, we started talking on a daily basis nonstop our conversations were flawless, not going to lie i thought he was my best friend because of how much we click together. But apparently to him i was more than a friend. He told me he liked me for a very long time now and he just cannot find the right time to confess his feelings because i always was with someone else. I felt bad when he said this because i never gave him a chance but then again i would never have known if he never told me.

A month passed we started dating, i said yes after he asked me out, i was a pretty popular role player on Facebook so everybody knew and they were happy for me. I was happy, the same happiness i felt when i was dating my ex was there again for me, i never thought me and him would work out honestly. We got closer to each other this time, but one thing i do not understand about him is, he kept telling me he loves flat-chested women, and kept comparing me to one. Like why would you even want me if you are into that... all he could say is I was an exception for him, and even if he has preferences he still loves me the way i am. Does not sound half bad right? I guess.

As weeks or a month went by, he started talking about his exes or other women and started acting weird. The first one was he would always find ways to video chat with me and ask me to get naked in front of the camera. I did though because i thought he was my boyfriend and there was nothing wrong with it. He's seen plenty of things about me and i seen plenty of things too. To the point where video sex became a thing for both of us. I did what i did because i loved him that much. I was already at that point where i want to see him in person and get married, tie the knot, but ofc i never talked about it that much. The relationship was enough for me.

The whole video stuff kept going on, then things did a total 180 when he started comparing me to other women, his exes too! He kept telling me he was a Casanova and many girls liked him, he dated alot of tomboys that eventually became girly because of him and most of them are flat chested and good in bed. This is where i popped the question about his virginity, and obviously he is not one. I thought he just loves talking about his past so i totally ignored it, even the part where he said there's two girls he loved the most in the past. Mainly Sharleen and Aiko. He told me he loved Sharleen the most because of her tomboy personality and her good heart, he said that i remind him of her. Next thing i knew he was talking about someone named Ilya, how she is very cute and friendly and how he always catches his attention.

During those times he gave me access to his Facebook account. And to my surprise what i found out was the one that changed me forever... he was talking to his exes behind my back and to Ilya too. He was mainly talking to Aiko. Not only that he was talking to another completely different woman, as if he was trying to ask her out. I was speechless, i didnt know what to say, since i gained access to his account i kept reading their messages to each other everyday. Aiko and Ilya was aware that he's dating me. The next few bits of the conversations was the one that broke me.

Conversation Between Aiko and Kier:

Aiko: are you dating someone else? Where are you? We were supposed to meet up.

Kier: no babe I'm not with anyone else. I told you i love you and only you. I'll be on my way soon and you will see me at school tomorrow.

Aiko: you promise? And you know I love you too.

Conversation Between Ilya and Kier:

Ilya: But Kier you are dating Eriana...

Kier: i dont love Eriana anymore. I'll tell her eventually. Plus you are cuter than what she is, just dont tell her anything please. And i love you so much Ilya!

Ilya: Okay i wont say a word to Eriana. And i love you too!

Conversation Between Random Girl and Kier:

Kier: i cant get you out of my head, why are you so dang beautiful? I love you.

Rando: OH please. Stop it! But you know i love you too. I want you to ask me out already.

Kier: When the time comes. I'm sorry I'm not ready for another relationship yet. But i know you will wait for me.

I forgave him for all this stuff after i confronted him about it. All he could say was i am sorry and he will never do it again, but he did anyway. I kept telling my friends about it and I kept forgiving him until i finally said enough was enough. I broke up with him a month later. I cried till the end of time, i never felt so betrayed. How can someone do that to somebody? I don't understand and i dont know how to feel.

I was left broken. Me and him never became friends again after what happened. I never regretted my decision either. I knew deep down in my heart i will find somebody else who will love me for who i truly am and will stay faithful, but i wont ever forget the pain i felt about betrayal. It took me 7-8 years to heal up and finally have a little faith once more, but even after 7-8 years i still have some issues sometimes, but i guess that will need alot more time. Unfortunately, i was never the same person again after that. Did he apologize to me so i could move on and find closure? The answer is obviously fuck no. He never apologized for anything, in fact he kept on going even after i left him. Sucks to be you if you end up dating this guy...?But i already put those days behind me in this present day, i bear no more grudges on him. Aside from everything that have happened, there is one important lesson i learned from it:

"Even if you were betrayed, not everybody is the same as the one who wronged you. You will always have people on your side to help you."

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