She Took The Word "Best Friend" for Granted (Part 1)

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From: Anonymous

I was only a mere seventeen year old teenager who is fresh out of high school when i migrated to the US because my grandmother insisted. Her reason was "when i die, nobody will take care of you here in this country so you are better off living with your mom." sure grandma, whatever you say, you think it will be best for me right? Little you knew you set me up to eventually live a life full of depressing stuff in the future, but i was not all against it because there's nothing i could do. Living my mom would be nice because she's been away from me for many years now. But this is not the story I am about to tell, that will come LATER.

The reason why I included the intro to this one it's because it is tied to the series of events that happened to me ever since i moved out of my country. Let's just say one drama after the other. Sounds fun right? This story will be divided into two parts because it would be too long for me to even condense it in one. It's just impossible to summarize everything that have happened. I want to go into full detail because i personally want to share this experience of mine.

I was a 17 year old teenager when I met this girl online, and we will call her by the name Angeline because again, confidentiality is a must on these kind of stuff. Angeline was thirteen when i met her for the first time, she lived in New Zealand, we both shared the same interests when it comes to anime and music. The anime me and her both loved that time is called Gakuen Alice or Alice academy, but the very first day we met was very weird, our friend who was roleplaying that time on facebook as Natsume Hyuuga which is one of the characters of the anime was having some sort of trouble i cannot seem to recall so much anymore, but he was in so much distress and it was because of another person who was roleplaying Ayuzawa Misaki from Kaichou Maid-sama.

Ayuzawa was basically bullying Natsume's crush Mikan (i am using their roleplay names because it's how i remember them for real, i am sorry) and she was basically relishing the fact that Natsume is pissed off. I felt like it was wrong for someone to do so, i am not a person who supports bullying, or bullying in general so i confronted Ayuzawa. Angeline came along and supported me on talking this person out too, like she eventually stopped but Ayuzawa hated us for what we did, but it's okay because bullies like her needed to be taught a good lesson. Natsume of course thanked us for what we did and then after that me and Angeline started talking on how we put Ayuzawa in her place. We started talking about our own interests and what we like, i already said me and her are exactly the same when it comes to interests, almost like we are twins or long lost sisters, it's just our personalities differ. We were so silly we came up with a name for both of us, TEAM AGGRESSION because we are aggressive to people who do our friends wrong or dirty. I thought the name was funny but as kids we lived up to it.

On some days we would talk for hours non stop on facebook, and when we got skype we would be in a call for over 24 hours and sometimes i would just let her talk and i would fall asleep in the middle of it and apologize to her the next day, her reactions are always priceless and she never once got mad about it. I met many friends through her and of course my popularity in the roleplay community grew i was basically a celebrity of the golden age and so was she. The only problem she faced with me was i attracted too many guys because i was so popular and i dated many of them online, but she knew about my past though so it did not bother her so much anymore. Angeline on the other hand, she hates men, they disgust her because of what happened to her when she was very young of her dad leaving her. She told me she would never want to get married nor have kids in fact, she hates kids herself.

Angeline eventually became the person whom i called my best friend, my sister, the only person i could share everything to including my darkest secrets and problems, i even considered her as my real family even though we aren't blood related and the only person i had in my life that was always there supporting me and she was the same with me too. She went as far as ditching her real life best friend Zasha and tell her she did not want to be friends with her anymore nor even consider her as a best friend because me and her are pretty much bonded together so strong that it made Zasha look like a bad friend because of all the stuff she's done to her. Zasha and Angeline eventually did not talk anymore and according to Angeline, Zasha hated me for it because she thought i brainwashed Angeline. I ignored it because i thought it didn't matter as long as Angeline was happy with me as her best friend.

Despite of Angeline being the amazing kid she is, she was forced to grow up. She had many problems at home especially with her mom. It came to the point where she changed in terms of personality from all the stuff she's experiencing with her family. She always talked about how she does not want to be where she's at and she just wants to finally meet me in real life and live with me and live as real siblings. She went as far as saying she wanted me to adopt her. Of course, silly me said if i could i would adopt you but you will be my daughter instead of my sister, of course that eventually became a vapid joke between us because we both know it won't be possible.

One day to my surprise she asked me what feelings do one start to feel when we are in love with somebody? I asked her why would she ask me that if she hates men and she didn't answer me... I had to bug her about it until she finally told me what it was. I didn't think she would actually be talking about this kind of stuff.

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