The Trinity of Relationship Weirdness

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From: Anonymous

Four years ago there was a couple, and that couple was Ruby and Kaito. They always played games together online and that loved each other deeply. That did not last long when one day Ruby said she will be gone for a while because of school. Kaito never objected but he felt very lonely; Little did he know that one mistake will eventually change him.

In the game they played Ruby and Kaito had a guild, and everybody in it were treated as family; a newcomer came in, and her name was Aza, she was so friendly that she got along with everybody pretty quick with the exception of Ruby because she's been gone for a while. Aza did not know about Ruby until she came back. Kaito started to befriend Aza and they got along pretty well, Kaito was just a little quiet that's all which made her feel awkward most of the time. He somewhat messages her a lot in game and they would play together until it became a daily thing.

Aza started hanging out with Kaito and she discovered that he was dating another girl named Aimee when she knew he was dating Ruby. She asked if Ruby knows about this and he said no and to never tell anybody. Aimee and Kaito's relationship was short-lived because of how she was acting.

Days, weeks, months went by and Kaito started treating Aza a little different. He started having a huge crush on her which quickly became love. Kaito would always find so many ways to talk to Aza even though she is busy, and after a couple days he finally found an opportunity to talk to her; he manned up and confessed his feelings and to his surprise she felt the same about him but they did not make their relationship official immediately because of Kaito not wanting Ruby to find out. So they tried so hard to keep their relationship private even though their friends knew already.

The two had a fruitful relationship for two months and he was very serious about her, until they both started talking about Ruby again. Aza asked if he will ever tell Ruby about him finding someone else not one but twice while she was gone. Kaito refused to tell the truth because he realized he was confused about how he feels between both of them. He loved both Aza and Ruby of at the same time. And to his fear or demise, Aza requested him to think about it carefully on who he truly loves.

After long hours of thinking he told Aza that he chooses her over Ruby. She asked if he was sure about that because he might have been bluffing. He said that she's been gone for so long that it had gotten to the point where he cannot wait for her anymore and he never felt the same anymore. Aza understood so their relationship finally became official but Kaito wanted to keep the relationship confidential because of tthe fact that he still never wanted Ruby to know. If he doesn't talk to Ruby then Aza thought she will talk to her when she comes back along with a few friends from the circle.

Things took an ugly turn for Kaito when Aza started telling everybody in the circle without him knowing and that they hope he is aware that what he is doing is totally wrong. Aza realized that she was totally against dating Kaito without ever telling his current and real girlfriend and of course their friends were also against it too. He was basically cheating on Ruby without her even knowing. So they all talked about it while he wasn't there and came with an agreement that they will all tell Ruby when she comes back to teach Kaito a lesson that he will eventually need to learn.

Ruby comes back and looks for Kaito as soon as she got on, and her pretend brother pulled her to the side and said that they need to talk to her about Kaito. She was very concerned so she went right away; from there she met Aza for the very first time and for a first meeting it was bad and awkward to say that She is the current woman of your man. He fell out of love for you while you were gone because he was getting lonely and it became unbearable for him to wait.

Ruby was broken into pieces, she cried and Kaito eventually confronted her. Ruby told him she does not want a relationship with him anymore and would like to just give her space until she is ready to talk to him again. Aza broke up with him too because she felt wrong dating someone who was cheating on somebody. She said she may consider dating him again in the right time when he finally learned his lesson and grows up a bit and apologized to him for doing that.

Aza felt like something needed to be done or else it would have ended worse for him. Some things just do not work out the way we want it to. Kaito apologized to Aza and Ruby 14 days after the ordeal; He was forgiven and given another chance.

Time passed by and surprisingly nobody held any grudge with anybody. Kaito sure learned his lesson and he eventually became good friends with Ruby and still kept his friends that he has now with Aza being a best friend to him. Aza taught him that you need to be brave to face your own problems and that any form of cowardice will be things that you will eventually hate later down the line.

Until today it's known that he still has a tiny bit of feelings for Aza that will never go away, but at the same time he looks up to Aza for being an amazing friend or sibling.

Kaito always looks into growing and not making the same mistakes like he did in the past.

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