~Chapter 29~ (End)

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~Adrien's POV~
I hold plagg close to me whilst saying my goodbyes... I couldn't believe it... I stuffed up so bad this time... so bad! I wipe my tears away "I'm sorry plagg... I hope you do fantastically with the next Chat Noir" I say softly "no one will ever be as good as you Adrien" he smiled softly "don't annoy them to much" I joke and let a small laugh escape my quivering lip.

I hold Plagg in silence as Tikki and Ladybug finish they're goodbyes.. she takes off her miraculous and gives it to Master Fu softly and sadly then raises her hands to her mouth and starts bawling again.

I let out a deep sigh "I guess this is it kid" he says softly wiping away his own tears with his tiny little hands.

"Guess so Plagg" I smile softly at the small black creature sitting in the palms of my hands, tears fill my eyes once again.

"Maybe we shall see each other again" I smile sadly and softly at him "take the bloody ring off before I start crying again" Plagg complains making me scuffle a laugh "life wont be the same without you plagg... but I think I can manage..." I say placing him down, "this is it... I'm sorry to have disappointed you plagg" I say hovering over the ring "you could never disappoint me kid... you were one of the best Chat Noir's I've raised" he smiled at me and I closed my eyes tears streaming...

As I take off my miraculous

Master Fu gives me a sad smile "find him a good Chat Noir... please... and put a stop to Hawkmoth... especially if it is my father" I say shakily handing him the miraculous "I will, I mean I found you" he gave me a cheery smile.

"same with Tikki... please Master" Marinette says holding her hands together begging while tears are still forming.

"I promise and assure you both, I will find great homes and owners for them" he says softly and I nod at the reassurance which made me smile.

I held in my remaining tears... Plagg you will do great things... and maybe one day... you can convince your holder to visit me. I smile to myself and choke on tears.

"I should get going Y/N is probably worried sick.." i say wiping my eyes "yes understood, you would need support in this time" he says nodding "thank you.. I'll be off then" I say quickly leaving the premises.

After about 10 minutes of walking I see Y/N half asleep sitting down by the gates, I let out a soft laugh as I sit down beside her "hey, Y/N" I say softly whispering in her ear.

She jumped in shock and looked at me.

~Your POV~
I jump at the whisper in my ear and turn to see the familiar blonde sitting next to me giving me a closed eyed innocent smile, I pout "you jeeerk" I mumble, I notice his red face, "have-" before I could continue he cut me off.

"Nah you love me" he says and then kisses me on the cheek, my face heats up rapidly as I sit there wide eyes and dumbfounded.

I raise my eyebrows challengingly, honestly I didn't know what came over me in that instant "you call that a kiss?" I say gripping onto his collar and pulling him into me our lips softly colliding together smoothly.

My mind completely blank, until he pulled away, I smirk at him as I boop his nose softly with a giggle.

"As I was trying to say" I smile "you've been crying... What happened?" I say softly grabbing hold of his hands so he couldn't escape.

I rub my thumb over by is hands when I feel something... Missing. I look down at his hand and my eyes widen in shock...

"Where's Plagg...?" I stammer softly "i-i had to give him up..." he says tears filling his eyes again until he starts bawling.

I pull him into my chest as he cries "H-He said w-we coul-couldn't ru-run the r-risk o-" he stammers before I cut him off "hey hey... Don't try and speak.. Just cry" I say softly running my fingers through his hair.

After a little while he looks up at me his red puffy face and smiles "you'll date me right...?" I smile softly at him "of course I will you idiot" I say squeezing his cheeks and smiling wildly "I'm glad" he says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"We should probably go inside" I laugh "Nuuuu" he complains clinging to me tightly, I let out a sigh "Adrien I love you, but neither of us have eaten yet" I say kissing his cheek "come on, let's go" I smile getting up and pulling Adrien with me "I don't wannaaaa" he whines I roll my eyes playfully and grab his hand, I ring the doorbell for the camera to pop out "heya Natalie" i smiling wildly.

"We still need to get ready for school" I say smiling at the camera, the camera leaves and the gate opens.

I lead Adrien back into the mansion to see his father standing up stairs, I squeeze Adrien's hand softly "Where were you two?" he growls "I was returning the miraculous... I handed it to ladybug..." Adrien spoke confidently "after that i don't know where they are" Gabriel looked taken aback "so you couldn't get mine.. Hawkmoth" this was where Gabriel looked scared and more shocked then ever, it's like his own son had turned against him... which in this case yes he has.

"Now if you'll excuse us" Adrien finished gripping my hand tight and racing up to his room, me closely behind.

Once we entered his room Adrien smiles wildly after closing the door, and I clapped "I'm so proud of you Adrien" I smiling and he lets out a laugh "I'm quite proud of myself to actually" he says softly.

He walks up to me and pulls me in by my waist, "in the end I got the girl though, so I'm extremely proud of myself" he says pushing his lips onto mine as I melt into his arms.

I was the happiest I have been in a while.. and I hope to stay that way.

We didn't end up going to school though.. he introduced me to a few of his favourite anime's though, we watched a lot to, as we cuddled on the couch and watched.

~The next day~

My eyes open as I let out a yawn, I look at Adrien who's holding me close on the couch, I slowly get his hands off me and grab the blanket and wrap him into it. I sit a little bit away to not interrupt his sleeping and turned on the news. It was about midday 11:55am.

"Breaking news: two NEW superhero's almost like the last, appear on scene today fighting an akuma" my eyes widen as I quickly wake Adrien up, "Adrien wake up" his eyes flutter open "morning beautiful" he smiled sleepily "morning, look!" I say pointing to the TV.

"Different costumes, but will they go by the same name? Find out after this battle" I grab Adrien's hand smiling and squeezing.

He looked eccentric, he was so happy to see the new Ladybug and Chat Noir making an appearance.

Once the battle finished the news ran up to the new superheroines "what are your superhero names" they looked scared and shocked but happy.

"I'll be going by Ladybug just as the last Ladybug did..." she turns to her partner "ill go by Chat Noir" they had copied there names but... Adrien didn't seem mad.

"I'd like to say thank you to the old Ladybug and chat noir, for helping giving us the opportunity to be here, please live a great life" the new Ladybug smiled.

I squeezed adrien's hand "they seem even better then Mari and I were" he says softly.

"that's only because you never saw it before yourselves" I say holding his hand and raising it to my mouth and kissing the back of it.

The new ladybug and chat Noir will be legends, they've had it shown to them before, all they have to do is redo it.

As for Adrien and I... I've got all I need

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